Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Captain Corelli’s Mandolin
The Part Of Corelli That I Couldn't Live Without. Identify Which Part Of The Book Really Resonated With You Then Justofy Your Choice. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin is a novel that has touched many people. Its unique blend of humour with romance and the raw harsh reality of war and how it can affect people’s lives has chimed with many people’s own personal experiences, making it a touching and emotive read. This is why, when asked to choose just one part of the novel I could pick that resonated with me, I had difficulty. I identified with the character Pelagia, being the only young female character and her ‘courting’ period with Corelli reminded me of some of my own experiences – showing me that in some ways things don’t change over the years. However, it is Carlo whose story I found most compelling. The giant soldier with a heart just as big hiding his sexuality and carrying with him a story of woe was touching and poignant to read. The part of the novel that I resonated most with was Chapter 19; ‘L’omosessuale 6’, wherein Carlo has to visit the mother of his beloved Francesco who has died in battle. He has to break the news to her and his wife. I found this part of the novel particularly emotive due to the deep interest and concern built up over the characters over the chapters. De Bernieres uses the writing technique of writing in first person for some chapters, using the voices of each character. This helps the reader get a better idea of what they are thinking and gain a better understanding of each different personality. This is vital with a character like Carlo. He carries with him the secret of his sexuality as though it is a disease â€Å"I had to live among them secretly, like one who conceals leprosy†he reveals in his second of six specially dedicated chapters in the first half of the book. This insight into his personality develops over these chapters and he reveals his deep love for his best frien... Free Essays on Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Free Essays on Captain Corelli’s Mandolin The Part Of Corelli That I Couldn't Live Without. Identify Which Part Of The Book Really Resonated With You Then Justofy Your Choice. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin is a novel that has touched many people. Its unique blend of humour with romance and the raw harsh reality of war and how it can affect people’s lives has chimed with many people’s own personal experiences, making it a touching and emotive read. This is why, when asked to choose just one part of the novel I could pick that resonated with me, I had difficulty. I identified with the character Pelagia, being the only young female character and her ‘courting’ period with Corelli reminded me of some of my own experiences – showing me that in some ways things don’t change over the years. However, it is Carlo whose story I found most compelling. The giant soldier with a heart just as big hiding his sexuality and carrying with him a story of woe was touching and poignant to read. The part of the novel that I resonated most with was Chapter 19; ‘L’omosessuale 6’, wherein Carlo has to visit the mother of his beloved Francesco who has died in battle. He has to break the news to her and his wife. I found this part of the novel particularly emotive due to the deep interest and concern built up over the characters over the chapters. De Bernieres uses the writing technique of writing in first person for some chapters, using the voices of each character. This helps the reader get a better idea of what they are thinking and gain a better understanding of each different personality. This is vital with a character like Carlo. He carries with him the secret of his sexuality as though it is a disease â€Å"I had to live among them secretly, like one who conceals leprosy†he reveals in his second of six specially dedicated chapters in the first half of the book. This insight into his personality develops over these chapters and he reveals his deep love for his best frien...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
ROSSI Surname Meaning and Family History
ROSSI Surname Meaning and Family History Rossi originated as a descriptive surname meaning red-haired or ruddy-complexioned individual, derived from the nickname rosso, meaning red. The Rossi surname was most common in northern Italy. Surname Origin: Italian Alternate Surname Spellings: ROSSO, ROSSA, RUSSI, RUSSO, RUGGIU, RUBIU, ROSSELLI, ROSSELLO, ROSSELLINI, RISSIELLO, ROSSILLO, ROSSETTI, ROSSETTO, ROSSETTINI, ROSSITTI, ROSSITTO, ROSSINI, ROSSINO, ROSSOTTI, ROSSOTTO, ROSSINI, ROSSONE, ROSSUTO, RUSSELLO, RUSSINO, RUSSOTTI, RUSSOTTO, RUSSIANI, RUSSOLILLO Famous People with the Surname ROSSI Portia de Rossi - Australian actress born under the name Amanda Lee Rogers; wife of talk show host Ellen DeGeneresAldo Rossi - Italian architectValentino Rossi - Italian professional motorcycle racer Where is the ROSSI Surname Most Common? The Rossi surname is the 875th most common surname in the world, according to surname distribution data from Forebears. It is found most prevalently in Italy, by far- it ranks as the #1 surname in the country. It is also very common in San Marino, where it ranks 8th, as well as Monaco (4th), Argentina (51st) and Switzerland (73rd). WorldNames PublicProfiler pinpoints the Rossi surname as being particularly common throughout northern Italy, especially in the regions of Umbria, Toscana, Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Liguria, Corse, Lazio, Molise, Lombardia and Veneto. It is next most frequently found in Argentina, followed by Switzerland, France and Luxembourg. Genealogy Resources for the Surname ROSSI Italian Surname Meanings OriginsUncover the meaning of your Italian last name with this guide to how Italian surnames came about, and a list of the 50 most common Italian surnames. Rossi Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Rossi family crest or coat of arms for the Rossi surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. The ROSSI DNA ProjectIndividuals with the Rossi surname are invited to join this project to work together to find their common heritage through DNA testing and sharing of information. ROSSI Family Genealogy ForumThis free message board is focused on descendants of Rossi ancestors around the world. Search the forum for posts about your Rossi ancestors, or join the forum and post your own queries. FamilySearch - ROSSI GenealogyExplore over 835,000 results from digitized historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Rossi surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. ROSSI Surname Mailing ListFree mailing list for researchers of the Rossi surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past messages. GeneaNet - Rossi RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Rossi surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Rossi Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Rossi surname from the website of Genealogy Today. Ancestry.com: Rossi SurnameExplore over 740,000 digitized records and database entries, including census records, passenger lists, military records, land deeds, probates, wills and other records for the Rossi surname on the subscription-based website, Ancestry.com. - References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back to Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Control and simulation Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Control and simulation - Coursework Example is equilibrium position is hard to achieve as their always remains a difference among the two values owing to the mechanical and personnel errors in conducting the experiment and taking readings. Considering the efficiency and flow rate curve; here the efficiency of the pump (E) first increases and then after a point, it starts decreasing. The similar pattern and shape as seen in characteristic curve in graph. This happens because calculation of efficiency includes division of hydraulic power by the mechanical power. First, when the mechanical power of the pump remains below the hydraulic power the efficiency increases. But as time passes, the mechanical power increases and exceeds the hydraulic power value and thus the efficiency starts decreasing. Thus, the curve first shows a rise and then a decline. These graphs also give an idea about the pump capacity at which the pump would be most efficient. The value of flow rate at which the efficiency is highest or the value one step less than the point at which the efficiency starts falling is the peak value and corresponding most productive flow rate of the pump. Clearly with increasing flow rate, elevation head remains constant, velocity head increases and the static head decreases also the energy lost to friction increases which in all decreases the total head of the pump. The BEP values are known by interpolating the E-Q curve at varied pump speeds, which is further used to make performance curve of the pump at that speed. These performance curves can be plotted by varying the flow rates and also by varying the diameter of the inlet pipe and then compare the curves obtained with the standard ones. The performance curves play a crucial role for the pump manufacturers who can actually analyse the working of their pumps from these curves and any deviations found are appropriately followed by complementing improvements in the pump
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Investment plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Investment plan - Essay Example There is usually a stated value on each stock certificate called the par value. However, some stocks have no-par value. The total par value is the number of shares issued multiplied by the par value of each share and is sometimes referred to as the dedicated capital of a corporation. Shares of common stock are the fundamental ownership units of the corporation. The articles of incorporation of a new corporation must state the number of shares of common stock the corporation is authorised to issue. The board of directors of the corporation, after a vote of the shareholders, can amend the articles of incorporation to increase the number of shares authorised; there is no limit to the number of shares that can be authorised. There is no requirement that all of the authorised shares actually be issued. Although there are no legal limits to authorising shares of stock, some practical considerations may exist. Authorising a large number of shares may create concern on the part of the invest ors, because authorised shares can be issued later with the approval of the board of directors but without a vote of the shareholders. Capital surplus usually refers to amounts of directly contributed equity capital in excess of the par value. The sum of the par value, capital surplus, and accumulated retained earnings is the common equity of the firm, which is usually referred to as the firm's book value. The book value represents the amount contributed directly and indirectly to the corporation by equity investors. The conceptual structure of the corporation assumes that shareholders elect directors who in turn elect corporate officers-more generally, the management-to carry out their directives. It is the right to elect the directors of the corporation by vote that constitutes the most important control device of shareholders. Directors are elected each year at an annual meeting by a vote of the holders of a majority of share who are present and entitled to vote. A proxy is the l egal grant of authority by a shareholder to someone else to vote his or her shares. For convenience, the actual voting in large public corporations usually is done by proxy. Many companies have hundreds of thousands of shareholders. Shareholders can come to the annual meeting and vote in person, or they can transfer their right to vote to another party by proxy. The value of a share of common stock in a corporation is directly related to the general rights of shareholders. In addition to the right to vote for directors, shareholders usually have the following rights: (1) the right to share proportionally in dividends paid (2) the right to share proportionally in assets remaining after liabilities have been paid in a liquidation (3) the right to vote on matters of great importance to stockholders, such as a merger, usually decided at the annual meeting or a special meeting (4) the right to share proportionally in any new stock sold (Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe, 1996, p. 365-369). A distinctive feature of corporations is that they issue share of stock and are authorised by law to pay dividends to the holders of those shares. Dividends paid to shareholders represent a return on the capital directly or indirectly contributed to the corporation by the shareholders. The payment of dividends is at the discretion of the board of directors. Here are
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Tobacco Use Essay Example for Free
Tobacco Use Essay â€Å"ED sees critical capacities†Emergency Department (ED) crowding is a public health crisis associated with negative patient outcomes including increased mortality and complication rates. Decreased quality in delivery of care is affected by lack of resources to support the increased use of emergency services and is a factor that leads to delays in treatment and untimely interventions. According to the article, Dr. Gordon, an emergency medicine physician and director of the Neighborhood Hospital ED states one of issues within the community is a lack of resources including â€Å"adequate medical facilities, especially for low-income individuals or indigents†(â€Å"ED sees critical capacities†, The Neighborhood). This problem is widespread throughout the United States and is not limited to the indigent population. Although it is difficult for patients with Medicaid to find providers willing to accept their insurance, the lack of primary care physicians causes limited access to health care for those who do possess private insurance, and patients are often referred to the ED by their primary doctor who may be unable to see them as appointments are usually unavailable for weeks at a time. With limited access to care, hospital emergency rooms become saturated due to non-urgent visits, inadequate staffing, and hospital bed shortages. When the hospital reaches maximum capacity and can no longer admit patients to appropriate units, the ED is forced to board these patients in the department, which leads to ambulance diversion, increased wait times, and the creation of makeshift treatment areas. The culmination of these factors contribute to delays in transport and time sensitive emergent care, patient elopement where care is not received at all and delayed even further which can lead to worsening health requiring hospital admission, and lower quality of care, which negatively affects patient safety and outcomes (Hoot Aronsky, 2008). This article increases public awareness to the problem of crowding in the emergency department and encourages the use of community-based resources for non-urgent medical conditions and the need for education on the appropriate utilization of emergency medical services. â€Å"Smoking breaks a thing of the past?†According to Tobacco Use (2013), â€Å"Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death and disease in the United States†(Why Is Preventing Tobacco Use Important?). This article highlights the advocacy of large companies to reduce tobacco use for the improved health of their employees and to eliminate exposure to unwanted secondhand smoke. Environmental tobacco smoke is just as detrimental to non-smokers as it contains harmful substances that expose those who don’t smoke to the health risks of cigarette smoking and increases their risk of developing a smoking-related illness. Promotion of a smoke-free work environment not only benefits the employees, but also the public whom they serve by reducing exposure to environmental smoke that causes heart disease, lung cancer, respiratory illness, and has other adverse effects to vulnerable populations including pregnant women and children. These companies are increasing community awareness to the detrimental affects o f smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke by paving the way to eliminate exposure to environmental smoke and reduce tobacco use in an effort to reduce illness and health care costs related to smoking, and increase productivity of employees and the overall health of their communities. The public benefit to this is that many states are enacting smoke-free laws in the workplaces and public buildings to reduce the number of deaths and disability caused from involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke. Reference Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Health effects of secondhand smoke. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/secondhand_smo ke/health_effects/ Hoot, N.R., Aronsky, D. (2008). Systematic review of emergency department crowding: Causes, effects, and solutions . Annals of Emergency Medicine, 52(2), 126-136. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2008.03.014 McClelland, M.S., Lazar, D., Sears, V., Wilson, M., Siegel, B., Pines, J.M. (2011). The past, present, and future of Urgent Matters: Lessons learned from a decade of emergency department flow improvement. Academic Emergency Medicine, 18(12), 1392-1399. doi:10.1111/j.1553- 2712.2011.01229.x The Neighborhood Pearson Health Science (Version 1.0) Retrieved from UOPX NUR408 Course Materials Tobacco use. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/overview.aspx?t opicId=41
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Corning Electronic Products Division :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Corning Electronic Products Division The By 1968 Coring realized market conditions were changing, technology was shifting to a commodity based market. Corning did not know if they wanted to be in this market. Some of the internal technical leaders were willing to turn away from this market claiming Corning developed high margin and highly technical products. Mean while sales and marketing were pushing hard to win new work in these fields disregarding the fact that Corning was not designed to compete in a fast moving commodity market. So, although sales were down Corning still relied on making their profits with out competition pressures. They relied on patents, technical know how and substantial capital investment joint. Corning started to see problems when its sales force started to focus on volume of sales without a concern for gross margins. The Sales group booked as many orders as they could to meet sales goals. Sales were giving away the store, claimed manufacturing. Marketing was just as bad. They projected a market for a product, had manufacturing make samples and spend on capital investment, only to come back later and say the market is not ten million, but, one million. Marketing claimed manufacturing was to slow to react to market conditions. Marketing clamed Product Development wasted time, up to seventy percent of product roll out was spent on process development. What happened was the trust that is necessary for departments to be able to work closely together went away. Through all of this lack of leadership, the company still held monthly meetings. Represented at these meetings in many cases were managers how did not know what was going on.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Inclusive Instructional Strategies & Accommodations Essay
Diana Pastora Carson is a special education teacher and founder of Ability Awareness in Action organization. She always had an interest in changing the lives of disabled people from pitiful life and exclusion to inclusion and life full of dignity and hope. The concern in Diana’s nature came from presence of a brother who was preserved from others as a disabled and dependent human being. Diana’s Brother, Joaquin, was diagnosed with Autism at an early age. While he was in school, he had been placed in an exclusive classroom for students with significant mental retardation. He was twice placed in a state institute due to misunderstanding of his character and his attempts to communicate with his services. Currently, Joaquin resides in a state institute, where he is ill, emotionally and physically, from being locked up in a building away from his friends and family. He expressed his feelings about living in such environment to his sister in a painful way as he once said: â€Å"Diana, people are so boring here†. His family has been trying to get him out of there as soon as possible. They have also taken his case to the court and are waiting for the final decision to be made. They want to get Joaquin out of there and bring him in a home of his own with people who love him instead of staying in that institute any longer. The training, titled ‘Inclusive Instructional Strategies and Accommodations’, is about including all children, whether they have a disability or not, in general education classrooms specifically, and in the community, generally. Everybody deserves to belong to and live in their communities. A teacher has an enormous role in making all students belong to that classroom through her knowledge about each and every student of his/hers, and through recognizing uniqueness in each one of them. This should make the teacher create a supportive environment that meets each student’s needs, and an atmosphere that promotes acceptance of differences and diversity, learning, hope, and collaboration. Moreover, the teacher is responsible for building a curriculum that meets each student’s level and accommodates tests and homework. A great teacher would avoid labels that discriminate individuals with disabilities to avoid lower expectations. Those labels may help professionals recognize what disabilities the students have, in order to provide them with services that meet their needs. However, people within the same label or disabilities may vary; therefore, we cannot always judge someone based on the labels. Moreover, it is very unprofessional to address someone by his/her disabilities as no one likes to be looked at for something that they did not choose for his/her self and it may affect his/her self-confidence. Students’ dignity must be preserved by the teacher and whoever is around, for instance, peers, and family. Professionals working with disabled people should advocate the community about appreciation of diversity and encourage students to speak out their thoughts, make choices, and blend in the society. Most importantly, the teachers should listen to students attentively; look at their body language, written expressions, and vocalization for effective communication. During the training, many strategies and activities to develop a classroom community were shared by Diana, such as setting roles for the classroom, encouraging reading books that promote diversity and discussions, and different cooperative games. Diana also explained how a customized lesson should be designed as a teacher must know her/his students in order to alter lessons based on each student’s needs. Teachers should also know how to model, guide, and measure students’ independent achievements through knowledge of students’ strengths and limitations. Diana enlightened the importance of giving students’ time to process new information, retrieve old information, and speak out their answers. It is very important to break the lesson into smaller parts along with asking questions in between to check students’ comprehension and to encourage discussions about the lesson. It is very essential to bring movement and interaction into the curriculum, serve the different types of intelligences and most importantly honor every student for who he/she is and be aware of the impact teaching will have on his/her future life. Furthermore, visual aids can assist students in organizing their thoughts, memorizing them, and make learning more enjoyable and personal to them. Finally, commitment to learning, inclusion of all children, and building a quality future for each child is a must step for developing a loving community where everyone belongs. By having a brother with a disability, whose community isolated him from others by not providing him with education programs that serves his needs, making public places inaccessible for him, and not advocating the public about disabilities, Diana has learned to honor diversity and anyone who is working towards treating people with disabilities with dignity and respect. It has encouraged her to change the lives of those who are different from normal people, whether with a disability or not. It has motivated her to include all of them in a classroom that promotes collaboration, understanding, and hope. Furthermore, it has opened her eyes to the importance of advocating the society about disabilities and their inclusion, to change the image and future of the disabled in the community.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Relationship between Education and Income
I TheRelationship between Educion and Income The basic aim of this study is to analyze the link between instruction and income degree. For this ground primary information of marketing staff of Engro Corporation was gathered. This research included 40 functionaries of Engro Corporation. We gave study paper or questionnaire to all of them and besides informed them the ground behind this study so they give right replies. Introduction Education is the chief pillar for any country’s economic sustainability. Education ever play a major function in promotion of any state. Education plays a cardinal function in heightening human values of any state. In many parts of the universe, instruction is good known as built-in portion of human rights. Now instruction is considered more of import than of all time because the universe is going a planetary small town so more and more competition is out at that place. Technology and new innovations are distributing by each passing twenty-four hours. Therefore to get by with this challenge of progress tech epoch states need to bring forth more and more educated and gifted population. As a consequence, poorness and favoritism eliminates itself. For all underdeveloped states it’s of import to transport out all possible attempts to educate their people. Resulting in better homo life criterions, better economic growing and more and more productiveness in all economic sectors. Pakistan as a developing state, it’s in country’s favour to increase literacy rate which automatically decrease poorness ratio in state and addition and prolong societal well-being. With each passing twenty-four hours, demand of skilled and educated workers is increasing in all parts of the universe. This demand proves that both instruction and income are built-in portion of each other. More educated people in state consequences more ratio of income per capita. As literacy rate in Pakistan is really low as comparison to SAARC states. In past few old ages Pakistan authorities seeking to diminish this illiteracy spread. To accomplish this end Government of Pakistan is increasing figure of schools and enrolling good experienced and skilled instructors in all states of Pakistan. More over authorities chief accent is on primary instruction, as primary instruction is the anchor of instruction construction. Due to all these attempts by the authorities, in recent old ages encouraging consequences are popped up. But still there is long long manner to travel. Besides one instruction system is the demand of clip so that every pupil get equal chance to acquire same criterion of instruction so there is no favoritism and stumbling among rich and hapless. Some other factors besides leave immense impact on degree of income. Training and experience despite of the instruction are besides really of import portion to increase or keep degree of income. The degree of demand that exists for the type of labour you are skilled/trained/educated to supply. How long you have been making that peculiar occupation, senior status societal networking and dependability are besides really of import portion. This study is based upon following aims:To detect the verifiable nexus between instruction and income degree.To detect link between the variables itself.To detect short tally relationship between variables.To detect the possibility of causality effects between the variables in Pakistan.Population The population is infinite for this research and all the marketing staff of Engro corporation of Pakistan is included in the population. Target population The population which is traveling to be studied here are the selling employees of Engro corporation of Pakistan Appropriate sampling Techniques A ) Simple Random Sampling The appropriate ground to utilize the simple random trying that, it allows each point in the population to be included in the sample with equal chance of being selected. B ) Stratified trying It is appropriate as the selling staff of Engro corporation of Pakistan can be divided into different groups on the footing of their appellation, inducements and some other similarities. After doing these groups any component from any group can be selected in the sample. C )Convenience Sampling As no planning is required for this sampling and the research worker can choose any sample which is most convenient for him or her so this sampling technique can besides be used. Adopted Sampling Technique Convenience sampling is adopted for this research The restriction involved in this sampling is that, any sort of biasness could go on during trying. For illustration, convenience sample can take to the under-representation or over-representation of peculiar groups within the sample. Sample Size for Current Study 40 selling forces are selected as a sample for this research Nature of Datas The nature of informations for this research is primary. Data aggregation tools/Sources As the nature of informations is primary for research so:The questionnaire was used for the aggregation of informations and it is given bellowGenderMale ( B ) Female2 ) What is your instruction degree? ( a ) Matriculation ( B ) Bachelors or below ( degree Celsius ) Maestro or above 3 ) What is your per month income? ( a ) Below 20,000 ( B ) 20,000 to 40,000 ( degree Celsius ) Above 40,000 2 ) The inquiries for this research are self created and these are selected for the questionnaire because they are relevant to our research. 3 ) Numerical graduated table is used for the above questionnaire because it is largely used for ordinal informations or where there is some interval in the information. Data disposal Procedure As the information under our consideration is primary so:The questionnaire were delivered to the respondents by manus.We told the respondents about our research intent so they were ready to give serious response.By manus the questionnaires were collected back from the respondentsSoftware for Data Analysis SPSS is used for the analysis for the information in this research. Calciferolata AnalysisDescriptive StatisticssNitrogenMeanStd. Deviationinstruction401.6250.74032income degree402.0000.78446Valid N ( list wise )40income degreeFrequencyPercentageValid PercentageAccumulative Percentagebelow 200001230.030.030.020000 to 400001640.040.070.0above 400001230.030.0100.0Entire40100.0100.0The information shows In the sample of 40 selling forces ofEngrOCorporation of Pakistanthere are 12 employees whose income is below the 20000 and 16 employees holding income in between 20000 to 40000 and there are merely 12 employees who are holding the income above 40000.EducationFrequencyPercentageValid PercentageAccumulative Percentagematriculation2152.552.552.5unmarried mans or below1332.532.585.0Masterss or above615.015.0100.0Entire40100.0100.0The information shows In the sample of 40 selling forces ofEngrOCorporation of Pakistanthere are 21 employees holding matriculation grade and 13 are unmarried mans and merely 6 holding the maestro grades.genderFrequency%Valid %Accu mulative %male3382.582.582.5female717.517.5100.0Entire40100.0100.0The information shows In the sample of 40 selling forces ofEngro Corporation of Pakistanthere are 33 employees are male and merely 7 are females. Education degree ( Variable ) N=40 Mean=1.6250 Standard Deviation=0.74032 Income degree ( Variable ) N=40 Mean=2 Standard Deviation=0.78446 . SecondtatisticalHypothesiss The best manner to find whether a statistical hypothesis is true would be to see the whole population. Since that is frequently impractical, research workers use a random sample from the population. There are two types of statistical hypotheses.Null hypothesis. The void hypothesis, denoted by H0, is normally the hypothesis that sample observations result strictly from opportunity.Alternate hypothesis. The alternate hypothesis, denoted by H1or Ha, is the hypothesis that sample observations are influenced by some non-random cause.Study HypothesisThe hypothesis for this research is( H1 ) Income degree is dependent of instruction.( Ho ) Income degree is independent of instructionAppropriate AnalysisIn our research we are seeking to happen out the independency of income degree with regard to the instruction so the trial of independency ( Chi-square ) will be used for the analysis of the above said subject.Chi-Square Trial EducationObserved NExpected NResidualMatriculation2113.37.7unmarried mans or below1313.3-.3Masterss or above613.3-7.3Entire40Chi Square trial give us the undermentioned tabular arraies in it the Observed Frequency of matriculation employees are 21 and Expected Frequencies 13.3 the remainders are 7 and 13 ascertained frequences of unmarried mans and remainders are -3 and in Masterss 1303 are observed and -7.3 remainders mean the informations are non explicating them.Income degreeObserved NExpected NResidualbelow 200001213.3-1.320000 to 400001613.32.7above 400001213.3-1.3Entire40Trial Statisticssinstructionincome degreeChi-Square8.450a.800aDf22Asymp. Sig..015.670a. 0 cells ( .0 % ) have expected frequences less than 5. The lower limit expected cell frequence is 13.3.The Chi Square expression is X2 = ( O – Tocopherol ) 2/E where O is the Ascertained Frequency. Tocopherol is the Expected Frequency in the corresponding class is  sum of df is the â€Å" grade of freedom †( n-1 ) X2 is Chi Square. As the value of chi-square for instruction is greater than 0.5 so it is concluded that the income degree is dependent of instruction so void hypothesis is rejected for this research†¦ Hydrogenistogram A histogram is a graphical representation of the data..the informations should be quantitative veriables. It is foremost introduced by Karl Pearson. The figure shows the information is usually distributed and histogram is symmetric or normal. In the instance of Education the figure shows the histogram is right skewed and more educated employees holding more income and less educated employees holding low income. Calciferoliscussion andConclusion We get a Equation as Simple Equation: More Education = More Income The findings indicate that instruction factors play a important function in doing income.there is direct relation ship between income and instruction as the income addition instruction besides addition. Besides suggest that giving more to instruction is to cut down the degree of income inequality within a country..As state can construct a strong foundation for economic success by puting in instruction. States can increase the strength of their economic systems and their ability to turn and derive high-wage employers by puting in instruction and bettering figure of knowing employees. Investing in instruction is besides best for province s in the long tally, since workers with higher incomes make portion more through revenue enhancements over the class of their life-times. So in Pakistan there is demand to increase Govt budget for instruction so everyone can acquire instruction.As largely people have low income either by ain ego or parents so they don’t continue their surveies so literacy rate is up and frailty versa income degree low.in our state as instruction disbursals is really high a adult male holding low income cann ot continue the ducation and cant participate in growing of economic system of their state. Calciferolirections for future Research 1.Future research should see some other veriables like accomplishments, experience, competency, diligence, fortune, 2.It should be addressed to increase the apprehension. 3.This survey was merely on corporate sector of Pakistan, but it should be conducted in other sectorsof state. 4.In this stresearch information was primary holding few variables ; if this restriction can be increase in the hereafter so consequences will be moreaccurate. 5. Future research should be done into different Sectors so as to detect the consequence of income on instruction at international degree.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Depreciation of Rupee Essay Example
Depreciation of Rupee Essay Example Depreciation of Rupee Essay Depreciation of Rupee Essay Kumar exhibited his profound creativity in designing a new symbol for an Indian Rupee but it failed to ignite any excitement, either in India or abroad for the simple reason that Indian Rupee is a beleaguered currency now, for it has lost its sheen over the years. A rich title for a poor currency! The value of Indian Rupee has devalued greatly since independence, notwithstanding some small measly upswings against dollar sometimes which is touted as a strengthening Rupee.The fact is that the real value of rupee has touched its nadir With every passing day Rupee is making new lows but for a common person it is not easy to understand the reason behind this steep fall and he keeps on asking himself a question Why is rupee depreciating? why indian currency is weak, why indian currency is falling down, why indian currency is depreciating? , Dollar after being stable for a long time now is climbing back up against the rupee. What do you think? Is it the right time that politicians money from Swiss banks should be taken out or will it be really late for us?Or we start depending on our own oil resources and stop importing the yellow metal from outside? Recession is less in India, then why dollar is moving up when rupee must be strong. We all know about recession and it is worse in US and better in India, then how come dollar is appreciating with respect to Indian rupee? Dont you think that Indian rupee should go up and US dollar should move down? There are so many reasons of depreciating rupee Why dollar is moving up and rupee is going down?There has been a recent fall in rupee since some days ago and a dramatic increase in dollar. It was 49. 50, then 50. 12, 51. 10, 52. 60, 53. 54, 54. 40 and stable, and now What is the current rate of dollar? 1 US dollar = 61. 65 Indian rupees. The oil minister is going to raise petrol prices by the third quarter of this year as rupee is down again. RBI is always trying to protect rupee by selling off dollars but still has been una ble to hold rupee from falling at a rapid pace. Due to rise in dollar, gold prices have slashed down.The last resort of controlling rupee fall is issuing bonds by Reserve Bank of India. To prevent further downfall of Indian rupee, RBI is considering selling dollars directly to oil marketing firms. BODY causes Why is this happening? THE CHANGING FACE Money is not an organic creature but its value keeps changing with the society and its economic conditions. One rupee in 1947 is not the same as one rupee today, both in terms of appearance and purchasing power. The value of a countrys currency is linked with its economic conditions and policies. The value of a currency depends on factors that affect the economy such as imports and exports, inflation, employment, interest rates, growth rate, trade deficit, performance of equity markets, foreign exchange reserves, macroeconomic policies, foreign investment inflows, banking capital, commodity prices and geopolitical conditions, says Pramit Brahmbhatt, chief executive officer, Alpari Financial Services (India), a foreign exchange brokerage. Income levels influence currencies through consumer spending. When incomes increase, people spend more.Higher demand for imported goods increases demand for foreign currencies and, thus, weakens the local currency. First Reason Dollar is in Demand BRIC countries like India have emerging economy, so a huge percentage of investment in India is from outside the country, especially from US but due to recession in US, big institutions are collapsing and many of them are on the verge of breakdown. They are suffering huge losses in their country. They have to maintain their balance sheets and look strong on all statements, so to recover losses in their country, they are pulling out their investments from India.Due to this pulling out of investment by these big companies from India or in other terms disinvestment, demand of dollar is raising up and rupee is depreciating. . 2. Foreign Inve stors snatching their investment out of India Foreign investors play a important in providing liquidity to capital market and boosting the economy of any country, it is similar for India also as our economy depends largely on them but foreign investment in India has decreased steeply in last year due to which value of Rupee decreases. Second reason Collapse of International TradeIf you observe in terms of international trade, commodity prices are crashing at international level. Importers are trying to accumulate dollars, as they have to pay in terms of dollars and at the end demand is increasing against the rupee. This has not happened yet due to lack of confidence in all kind of markets. Exporters have a very few orders from outside countries, so there is no matter of converting dollar into rupee thereby decreasing demand for rupee. Fiscal Deficit – How would others feel of your financial position if you earn Rs. 100,000 a year, but end up spending Rs. 10,000 ? The excess of your expenditures over your total income is called Fiscal Deficit. In order to bridge a Fiscal Deficit, you may end up taking a loan of Rs. 10,000. The more loan you take, the more riskier you would become in the eyes of lenders. This is exactly the case in India. India is currently spending more than it earns via taxes resulting in a mounting fiscal deficit. The major brunt of this spending is going into subsidies. With mounting fiscal deficit, foreign investors start feeling uncomfortable and pull their money out of India resulting in rupee depreciation.Oil Prices – are another significant factor in putting pressure on the Rupee. Oil import contributes as the biggest percentage of India’s import. By quantity, the oil demand is increasing year on year. By prices, Oil is quoted in International Markets in US Dollars. Oil prices are current over $100 a barrel and have significantly jumped up from sub $40 levels in 2002. With the increasing price of Oil in internatio nal markets, India has to pay an increased amount of dollars to import the same quantity of oil.Further more, with an increase in the quantity of oil imported into India, a further pressure is imposed on the demand of dollars to pay to our suppliers from whom we import Oil. This increase in demand for dollars depreciates the Rupee further. 1. Difference in the demand and supply of Rupee in currency market Understanding currency market is not a rocket science, here only simple economic law works, more demand means more price for the product and less demand means less price. According to that law the demand of Rupee is decreasing hence the price of Rupee is also decreasing. Simple isnt. 2. It is a simple DEMAND-SUPPLY Phenomena.Today the demand for Dollar is higher than Indian Currency (INR). With Supply remaining the same, when demand rises, the Value also increases. Increase in Dollar value is attributed to the ongoing Crisis in US. Also USD being a prime currency for many trading commodities, the value of USD is rising. As far as decreasing value of Rupee is concerned, given the present state of Dollar Value Increase, every other currency looks weak against it, and INR is no exception. 3. Lots of scams which faded the image of India in the world  Country has seen lots of scams revealed in recent times which decreased the reputation of the country in the world.Corruption in the country is increasing, huge negativity among the people for the Govt has reduced the trust of Foreign Investors in India. All the bills are hanging in the Parliament. Govt is not stronge enough to take bold steps for the growth of the economy. 4. Decreasing GDP growth reduce the investment opportunities in India Before the Recession of 2008 India has maintained GDP growth rate of close to 9% for many years but things have changed now IIP numbers are lowering and even showing negative growth also the inflation numbers are scaring the growth but Govt is not able to bring any policies to restore the growth.Rising Fiscal deficit makes future more gloomy. Investors are not seeing their investment growing much here. 5. Economic problems in different countries make Dollar a better Investment Many countries are facing huge economic problems and facing financial crisis, countries like Greece, Spain are breaking. Investing in US is better option in compared to emerging markets like India where growth is slowed down which increases the demand for Dollars making then more pricey. Year| Exchange rate (rupees per US$)g| 1913| 0. 08692307692| 1925| 0. 10| 1947| 1| 1952| 5| 1966| 7. 55| 1975| 10. 409| 1980| 7. 887| 1985| 12. 69| 1990 1990-1995 This is the period when Indian economy was opened up but rupee still continued depreciating from 17 to 32. | 17. 504| 1995| 32. 427| 2000| 45. 000| 2006| 48. 336| 2007 (Oct)| 38. 48| 2008 (June)| 42. 51| 2008 (October)| 48. 88| 2009 (October)| 46. 37| 2010 (January 22)| 46. 21| 2011 (April)| 44. 17| 2011 (September 21)| 48. 24 | 2011 (November 17)| 55. 3950| 2012 (May 23)| 56. 25| 2012 (June 22)| 57. 15| 2013 (May 15)| 54. 73| 2013 (June 12)| 58. 500| 2013 (June 27)| 60. 73| 2013 (Jul 08)| 61. 21| 2013 (Aug 08)| 61. 80| Effects There was a huge interest rate differential between India and US.Now RBI is reducing all kind of rates to increase money supply in market, so deposit rates will also move downwards. It will reduce the rate differential between two countries and affect the fixed investment in India in a negative manner Current account deficit (CAD): CAD is the result of country’s higher imports than exports or where payment is higher than receipts. Gold and crude oil are the two major items In India’s import list. The more you spend on these two, the more we need to import these and more will be the demand of dollars and thus more depreciation in rupee. . Capital Account flows: Capital account flows comes in the shape of FIIs (foreign Institutional Investors) and FDI (Foreign direct In vestments). FIIs invest in Stock market or bonds and FDIs come in with Business opportunities. Looking at the country’s weak growth outlook, high inflation, high current account deficit etc. FIIs are taking their money back to their country where they are seeing more growth opportunities and also no currency risk. And FDIs are getting impacted by weak government policies, Red tapism and less parliamentary action.If both these investors come in India then demand for rupee will increase as they will bring in dollars to convert into rupees which provide stability to rupee. 3. Interest rate and inflation: High interest rates (as in India) attract foreign investors as they get less rate of interest in their own country , but high interest rates hit local industry and their cost of capital increases. High inflation and interest rates makes our export costlier and thus reducing the demand of our products outside which means less exports. This in turn increases the Current Account de ficit and thus rupee depreciation.The unstable currency movements make foreign investors wary of their decision and they prefer to move out of such country. GROCERY BILL High inflation has been pinching you for more than a year now. Now, the weakening rupee has made crude oil, fertilisers, medicines and iron ore, which India imports in large quantities, costlier. Though these items are not for your daily consumption, they impact your finances indirectly. For instance, since India depends on imports for a large part of crude oil it consumes, a weak rupee will influence petrol and diesel prices. Fuel being directly connected with the cost of transportation, prices of goods that are transported from one part of the country to another, such as food, are bound to rise. This will have a direct impact on the household budget, says Paresh Parekh, Tax Partner, Ernst amp; Young. Fund Manager, Fixed Income, Quantum Asset Management FMCG, or fast moving consumer goods , such as soaps, detergent s, deodorants and shampoos, of which crude oil is an input, are likely to become more expensive. The impact of rupee depreciation on the FMCG sector will be due to higher cost of imported raw materials.The companies were already facing cost pressures. The rupee depreciation has added to their woes. Pulses and oil, which account for a large part of Indias imports, will also be affected. Crude palm oil prices set the pace for prices of other edible oils. It is imported in large quantities and any rise in its price will add to the inflationary pressure, says Arvind Chari, fund manager, fixed income, Quantum Asset Management. FOREIGN EDUCATION For Abin Biswas (21), a B. Tech in biotechnology, an opportunity to work as a trainee intern in a Harvard-MIT joint venture project was a dream come true and a proud moment for his parents.The cost was high but Dr Anup Biswas, Abins father, decided to bear the expenses. The institute is providing him just a daily travel allowance. So, nearly all e xpenses have to be borne by us. Though the amount was huge for us, we agreed to send him as the platform he was getting was big as well, says Rinijhini Biswas, Abins mother. With the rupee weakening, the burden has increased. The rent ($378) of a room he shares with friends was Rs 17,000 (at Rs 45/$) in mid-August 2011 when he went. Now, it is Rs 19,500 (Rs 51. 52/$). A meal ($6) which cost him Rs 270 then now costs Rs 300.This means an additional food expense of Rs 1,800 per month. Abins monthly budget, roughly $1,000, has risen from Rs 45,000 to Rs 53,000, the last instalment we paid. It will be difficult for us to bear his expenses if the trend continues, says Rinijhini Biswas. Students who have taken loans to fund their foreign degree are also bearing the brunt. Education loans are usually in rupees, but as students pay their expenses in a foreign currency, the cost of education and stay has increased. For $100,000, a student had to pay Rs 45 lakh. Now, he has to shell out Rs 52 -54 lakh, depending upon the exchange rate. The cost is in a foreign currency while the borrowing is in rupees. So, the students may fall short of funds as the loan would have been taken according to the initial requirements. In such a scenario, either the students personal contribution will have to increase or he will have to ask the bank to increase the loan amount, says Ashutosh Khajuria, president, treasury, Federal Bank. JOBS AND REMUNERATION Not only is the rupee falling, for some, the pay cheque may shrink as well. Every industry which is dependent on imports will have to face an increase in cost of production and operations. In order to nullify the increase, these companies will have to rationalise costs within their control. One of this will be human resources. So, either lesser number of people will be hired or the salary bill will be kept constant or reduced, says Rituparna Chakraborty, co-founder and senior vice president, TeamLease Services. However, it is a good time f or industries which earn in dollars. The information technology sector stands to gain, but global recessionary conditions may set off the impact, says Chakraborty. VACATIONSThe falling rupee is bad news for itinerant Indians and vacationers to a foreign country. Air fares are going up due to an increase in fuel surcharge. The stay will be costlier by at least 3-5%. Also, shopping can become expensive by 5%. Eating out will also be costlier by the same percentage, says Karan Anand, head, relationships, Cox amp; Kings India. BUYING A CAR The depreciation of rupee has impacted the automobile sector in three ways. First, input costs have risen as these companies use imported components. Second, some companies will have to pay higher royalty to foreign parent firms.Third, many have foreign currency loans in the form of external commercial borrowings and foreign currency convertible bonds. Therefore, more or less all auto companies will have to increase prices. We expect at least a furthe r 2% increase in prices. Maruti has already revised prices twice in last two months. Others like Hyundai, Honda and Ford that have large import content in their cars will have to soon increase prices to protect margins, says Deepak Jain, assistant VP and research analyst, Sharekhan Institutional Research. ENTERTAINMENTThe imported paperback, your favourite pizza and the latest laptop will also become more expensive. There is an increase in the cost of imported books as well as the cost of sourcing them. In most cases we are trying to absorb the increased cost, but there may be scenarios where the end-user will get impacted, says Ankit Nagori, VP, categories, Flipkart. com. Electronic consumer goods such as computers, televisions, mobile phones, etc, with imported components will also become costlier. International food chains which run outlets in India are not denying the impact on profitability. The depreciating rupee has had a significant impact on our capital expenditure as we im port a lot of special kitchen equipment. There has been an indirect impact too as a small part of inputs are imported by our suppliers. If the trend continues, we will be forced to pass on some burden to customers, says Vikram Bakshi, managing director and JV Partner, McDonalds India (North amp; East). Steps Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has expressed confidence that some measures being taken to tackle fiscal management will help return the Indian currency to a more stable path. The decision by the government to allow foreign investors to directly invest in Indian equity could bring some capital flows and have a positive impact on the economy and the rupee, adds Narne. The government is continuously monitoring the emerging external sector developments leading to higher CAD and rupee depreciation. (The government) has taken a slew of initiatives to boost exports and reduce imports, encourage capital flows to facilitate financing of CAD and stem the volatility in the exchange rate of the rupee
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
APA Referencing †How to Cite a Conference Paper
APA Referencing – How to Cite a Conference Paper APA Referencing – How to Cite a Conference Paper So you’ve been to an academic conference and you want to cite a presentation you’ve seen. Or maybe you’ve just read the conference proceedings and want to cite them. Either way, APA referencing has specific rules for citing a conference paper, so make sure you know how it’s supposed to be done! In-Text Citations In-text citations for a conference paper use the standard APA referencing style of giving the author’s name, year of publication and relevant page numbers in parentheses: Many academic conferences are â€Å"oversubscribed†(Chatterton, 2002, p. 16). If the author is named in the text, simply give the year of publication afterwards, followed by page numbers after the quoted text: According to Chatterton (2002), many academic conferences are â€Å"oversubscribed†(p. 16). If you’re citing the entire proceedings of a conference, give the editor’s name in place of an author. Reference List: Conference Proceedings The papers presented at a conference are often published as â€Å"conference proceedings.†If you’ve cited the proceedings of a conference as a whole, the information you’ll need to provide in the reference list includes: Editor Name, Initial. (ed.) (Year). Title of conference: Subtitle, Location, Date. City of Publication: Publisher. For instance, the proceedings from a (fictional) conference about academic conferences would appear in an APA reference list as: Ditor, E. (ed.) (2002). Getting together: The academic benefits, Atlanta, June 2002. Houston: PME Publications. Reference List: Published Conference Papers Rather than citing the entire proceedings, you’ll often want to cite a single presentation you’ve seen or read. For a published paper, the reference list entry should include: Author Name, Initial. (Year). Paper title. In: Editor Name (ed.). Title of Conference, Location, Date (page range). City of Publication: Publisher. So a paper from our fictional meta-conference would appear in the reference list as: Chatterton, T. (2002). Anachronisms and conferences. In: Ed Ditor (ed.). Getting together: The academic benefits, Atlanta, June 2002 (pp. 15-23). Houston: PME Publications. Reference List: Unpublished Conference Papers You can also cite a conference paper that hasn’t been published, but the format here is a little different: Author Name, Initial. (Year, Month). Paper title. Paper presented at Conference Title, Location of Conference. An unpublished version of the Chatterton paper used in the example above would therefore appear in an APA reference list as: Chatterton, T. (2002, June). Anachronisms and conferences. Paper presented at Getting Together: The Academic Benefits, Atlanta, Atlanta Metropolitan State College.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Graffiti and Abstract Expressionism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Graffiti and Abstract Expressionism - Essay Example The essay "Graffiti and Abstract Expressionism" explores the art of graffiti and abstract expressionism. The first distinguishing feature relates to their abstractness, i.e. such paintings do not represent any form of occurrence in the visible world. The abstractness emanates from the fact that the paintings focus on free, spontaneous and specifically personal expression of prevailing emotional states. Additionally, the execution technique shows an over-emphasis of freedom exploits the more of the physical characteristics of paint in a bid to make the outcome expressive of indeterminable emotional qualities. Secondly, the paintings characteristically abandon the conventional structured composition of well-defined art. Instead, abstract art embrace a single, unified, undifferentiated image existing in an unstructured space. The artist thus extends his/her freedom to the use of space such that the resulting piece logically defeating except for the painter. Usually, the paintings fill t he canvasses used, an aspect that gives them monumental effects and an engrossing power. After deviating from conventional art in preference of abstract art, Jackson Pollock determinedly moved away from the norm, often claiming being too much consumed in his work to an extent of being unaware of the undertaking, only allowing the result to explain itself. Kleiner notes that Pollock’s works presented a revolution not only in their abstractness, but also on the manner in which he handled the process.
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