Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Definition of Consumption within Sociology
Meaning of Consumption inside Sociology In human science, utilization is about far beyond simply taking in or spending assets. People expend to get by, obviously, however in todays world, we additionally devour to engage and delight ourselves, and as an approach to impart time and encounters to other people. We devour material merchandise as well as alsoâ services, encounters, data, and social items like craftsmanship, music, film, and TV. Truth be told, from the sociological viewpoint, utilization today is a focal sorting out guideline of public activity. It shapes our regular lives,â our qualities, desires and practices, our associations with others, our individual and gathering personalities, and our general involvement with the world. Utilization According to Sociologists Sociologists perceive that numerous parts of our every day lives are organized by utilization. Indeed, Polish humanist Zygmunt Bauman wrote in the book Consuming Life that Western social orders are not, at this point sorted out around the demonstration of creation, yet rather, around utilization. This change started in the United States in the mid-twentieth century,â after which most creation employments were moved abroad, and our economy moved to retail and the arrangement of administrations and data. As an outcome, a large portion of us go through our days expending as opposed to creating merchandise. On some random day, one may make a trip to work by transport, train, or vehicle; work in an office that requires power, gas, oil, water, paper, and a large group of buyer hardware and advanced merchandise; buy a tea, espresso, or pop; go out to a café for lunch or supper; get cleaning; buy wellbeing and cleanliness items at a medication store; use bought food supplies to get ready supper, and afterward go through the night sitting in front of the TV, getting a charge out of web-based social networking, or perusing a book. These are types of utilization. Since utilization is so vital to how we live our lives, it has taken on incredible significance in the connections we manufacture with others. We regularly sort out encounters with others around the demonstration of expending, regardless of whether that be plunking down to eat a home-prepared dinner as a family, taking in a film with a date, or meeting companions for a shopping outing at the shopping center. Likewise, we regularly use customer merchandise to communicate our affections for others through the act of blessing giving, or outstandingly, in the demonstration of proposing marriage with a costly bit of adornments. Utilization is likewise a focal part of the festival of both mainstream and strict occasions, similar to Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Halloween. It has even become a political articulation, similar to when we purchase morally created or sourced merchandise, or take part in a blacklist of a specific item or brand. Sociologists additionally consider utilization to be a significant piece of the way toward shaping and communicating both individual and gathering personalities. In Subculture: The Meaning of Style, humanist Dick Hebdige saw that personality is regularly communicated through design decisions, which permits us to group individuals as fashionable people or emotional, for instance. This happens on the grounds that we pick purchaser products that we feel say something regarding what our identity is. Our customer decisions are regularly intended to mirror our qualities and way of life, and in doing as such, impart visual signs to others about the sort of individual we are. Since we partner certain qualities, personalities, and ways of life with customer products, sociologists perceive that some upsetting ramifications follow the centrality of utilization in public activity. We regularly make presumptions, without acknowledging it, about a person’s character, social standing, qualities, and convictions, or even their insight, in light of how we decipher their purchaser rehearses. Along these lines, utilization can serve procedures of avoidance and underestimation in societyâ and can prompt clash across lines of class, race or ethnicity, culture, sexuality, and religion. Along these lines, from the sociological viewpoint, theres significantly more to utilization than meets the eye. Truth be told, theres such a great amount to learn about utilization that theres an entire subfield committed to it: the human science of utilization.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Impact of IT on Individuals, Communities and Society
Effect of IT on Individuals, Communities and Society Since its commencement, IT has substantially affected the world. The capacity to get to data at the pinch of a catch has changed the manner in which we learn. Instruction and Training have never been the equivalent, before the beginning of the web. Notwithstanding, the entirety of this isn't as astonishing as it initially appears. Malevolent clients wander the most distant ranges of the web attempting to take people groups bank subtleties, kid erotic entertainment locales taken cover behind intermediaries and VPNs somewhere down in obscurity net, even illicit medication and weapon deals. Internet Shopping Internet shopping is an astonishing innovation since its introduction in 1979 by Michael Aldrich. Michael Aldrich associated a 26 hued customer TV by a phone line to a constant exchange handling PC. He called his new development mail order shopping, this is the ancestor to our web based shopping today. It even permits individuals who cannot leave their homes, for example, debilitated individuals, older individuals, single guardians thus substantially more. Be that as it may, this gift from heaven isnt as splendid for neighborhood retailers all things considered for purchasers; it can leave nearby economies destroyed as individuals that used to be steadfast clients move to administrations like Amazon and ASDA Direct. Not everything is the way it appears. Albeit web based shopping can be available by numerous individuals, many individuals still dont approach it. 21.6% of UK occupants dont have customary access to the web. This has become an issue for some country zones of the UK that appear to be disregarded by ISPs (Internet Service Providers), low salary zones likewise appear to have a littler percent of online movement. In 2015 the UK government attempted to battle this issue by passing a bill that was expected to furnish everybody with in any event 15 mbps (megabits every second) web access for nothing. As of February 2017 the bill has vanished. Leisure time The manner in which we invest our free energy has changed definitely in the course of the most recent few decades. From the beginning of online life to the development of complex graphically exceptional computer games our selections of media utilization during our spare time has incomprehensibly expanded since the absolute first business PCs were produced.ã‚â Websites like Twitter and YouTube have become the spots where most will invest their free energy. This has caused content makers generally alluded to as YouTubers, to get by. Some even gotten moguls. Computer games have likewise gotten one of the most famous types of people groups spend times, over 33 million out of the UKs 64 million occupants play computer games consistently. That is generally 51% of the all out crowded, over half! So its nothing unexpected that the British games advertise merits an incredible  £4.193 billion starting at 2015. Spilling sites are likewise among the most well known for web clients, they represent generally 60% 70% of web traffic. They stream recordings and other media like music to their clients, probably the most every now and again visited sites for spilling include: Netflix, Amazon Prime video and music, Spotify and Crunchyroll An anime gushing site. Correspondence Correspondence inside the IT business has formed how we as a whole convey every day. From Emails to Short Message Service (SMS), day by day correspondence has immeasurably transformed from the times of letters and wires; this is on account of the wide selection of PCs and cell phones. This has just improved as innovation has progressed to the web limitlessly improved what cell phones could do accordingly permitting us to convey in better and quicker manners. With the innovation of 3G (short for third Generation, concerning it being the third emphasis of remote portable technology).ã‚â Users could ride the web from their gadgets. This recently discovered innovation made ready for cell phones, has the innovation improved with H/HSDPA (High-Speed Downlink Packet Access) offering a hypothetical 7.2 mbps association speed and later H+HSPA+ (Evolved High-Speed Packet Access) offering a madly quick hypothetical speed of 168 mbps. Lawful Impacts Its lawful effects have consistently been begging to be proven wrong, regardless of whether it was the capacity to duplicate games from tape to tape or the unexpected boundless access to plentiful measures of data that originated from the unimaginable creation that is the web. So as to ensure people groups information and data, numerous legislatures around the globe executed improved copyright and literary theft laws. In the UK this law is known as the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1998. Law sets down establishments to help copyright and patent holders to make lawful move again the individuals who take their works. Hacking, Fraud and different malevolent acts additionally joined the beginning of usually accessible PCs. The UK government passed the Computer Misuse Act 1990, this bill sketched out the dos and donts with regards to PC use; getting to a PC without authorization is viewed as a wrongdoing under the Computer Misuse Act. Ââ ã‚â Moral Impacts The moral effects of IT for the most part from the consistent documentation of our data from administrations, for example, Google and Amazon has been a warmed subject for quite a while. Would it be advisable for us to permit such administrations to store our own data and data about things we like or search frequently? In spite of the fact that there are numerous advantages in permitting such data to be put away which can assist with framing calculations to all the more likely improve our online encounters with web indexes and online shops. This can permit administrations, for example, Amazon target explicit ads to be appeared to us dependent on our inclinations and to have items prescribed to us dependent on our past buys. Be that as it may, if this data were to arrive at an inappropriate hands, for example, a fraudster, it could be amazingly perilous to the clients whom information has been taken. Another moral inquiry that comes to play with its utilization is for the individuals who dont approach fast web that may of us underestimate. For example, numerous individuals who live in provincial zones of the UK dont approach broadband because of the tremendous separation among them and the phone trade. Sometimes, in any event, attempting to introduce links for country regions are only incomprehensible because of the significant expense and low prize part of the zone. For a broadband organization it is increasingly beneficial to put costly rapid links in thickly populated urban regions since the huge measure of clients would permit the organizations to recoup their ventures a lot faster. There are answers for this be that as it may, numerous versatile correspondence systems have begun giving 4G web access to the individuals who cannot gain admittance to the web or who have rather frail associations. More often than not these arrangements rush to set up anyway the 800Mhz (megahertz ) recurrence band, recently utilized for simple TV, utilized by most media transmission organizations in spite of the fact that has far reach because of its little frequency this has the negative impact of not being able to transmit as much information as a fiber optic cabling. Life before PCs As much as it is hard for a few of us who have grown up with and around this stunning innovation, we should not overlook that PCs have not generally been near. Significantly prior forms of cameras have been around longer than PCs. Computer games, Instant informing, Email, DVDs, Cassettes, Laserdiscs: There was the point at which these werent even idea of. A period of papers and radio, vinyl plate and Classic music and Jazz. Going outside to play with companions, working for a sixpence, 240 pence to a pound, before the times of post decimalisation. I got some information about what it resembled growing up, what she would have gotten a kick out of the chance to do when she left school. Finding a new line of work as a typist working for the Ministry of Defense (MOD) was probably the flashiest activity for ladies to get, everybody needed it. Supportability The supportability of our cutting edge innovative position has been an inquiry for a long time. What would we be able to do to help save our condition and support our present way of life? Reusing our old equipment and reusing the valuable metals inside them can help us since it utilizes less vitality to recapture these metals than it does to mine and refine them. Another bit of leeway to this is metals are likewise a limited substance and we just have a set measure of it. Moving to a progressively manageable vitality source to control our homes and hardware is likewise an essential method to be stainable. Sun based, wind and atomic vitality are the present contender for us to supplant our subject to petroleum products. Each of the three of these present a positives and negatives yet one thing they all share for all intents and purpose is their measure of contamination they produce or need there of. PAGE 1 OF YOUR BLOG: Comprehend the effect of IT on people, networks and society. Effects Social Impacts How we invest free energy. Consequences for nearby networks PAGE 2 OF YOUR BLOG: Financial IMPACTS Business structure and working practices. Manageability. PAGE 3 OF YOUR BLOG: Lawful effects Proprietorship, copyright and literary theft PAGE 4 OF YOUR BLOG Moral effects Protection of data PAGE 5 OF YOUR BLOG Action from page 23 Life before PCs research and review in your own words.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Are you Jewish Do you live in Chicago Then this scholarship is for you. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Are you Jewish Do you live in Chicago Then this scholarship is for you. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Educational scholarship funds from grants administered by the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago are available for Jewish college and graduate students. Approximately $500,000 is available each year for full-time students, predominantly those legally domiciled in the metropolitan Chicago area, with career promise in their chosen fields. Assistance is available primarily for those with FINANCIAL NEED who are pursuing careers in the helping professions. Scholarships range from $1,000 to $8,000. JVS Chicago processes academic scholarship applications from eligible students who have financial needs that cannot fully be met by other appropriate resources. Please complete the correct forms according to your status. The deadline to apply for a scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year is February 1, 2017. If you have any questions or would like more information, please call the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago at 312-673-3444 or email at You are eligible to apply if you: Are Jewish Were born and raised in Chicago metropolitan area*, including Lake County, Indiana; OR one continuous year of full-time employment in the Chicago metro area prior to enrollment Intend to remain in the Chicago metropolitan area after completing school Are entering an accredited graduate program in a helping profession on a full-time basis for the full 2017-2018 academic year OR Are entering your junior or senior years of an accredited bachelors degree program in a helping profession on a full-time basis for the full 2017-2018 academic year Demonstrate financial need Demonstrate career promise Are available for an in-person interview between March 1 and April 20, 2017 *Chicago metropolitan area includes Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties. Learn more at
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Area of Knowledge of Ethics Essay - 1092 Words
It is human nature to describe and seek to transform the world. Without a desire to describe and understand the world in which one lives in, we would not desire to transform the world and advance society. The following essay will use Ethics and History as two Areas of Knowledge to disprove the above claim. By describing the world we live in, we make judgements about what is beneficial and what is not in our society. Consequently, we seek to change the world we live in to suit our needs. A new age/alternative-medicine advocate, physician, public speaker, and writer by the name of Deepak Chopra once quoted, â€Å"Our most important task is to transform our consciousness so that violence is no longer an option for us in our personal lives, that†¦show more content†¦Drawbacks of utilizing emotion to reach and ethical decision is that emotions have a tendency to interfere with reason, especially when we are personally involved in a particular situation. Furthermore, when relyin g on emotion as a moral behaviour guide, it assumes that â€Å"what feels right to us, must feel right to others†, however this is not the case. Thirdly, if reason is used properly, it allows us to make an objective judgement about moral behaviour. For example, I was competing in my final snowboarding race of the year and an assistant coach accompanying the team went up the T-Bar with me on my way to my first run of two. They were a novice skier and they caused me to fall off the T-Bar which ruined my concentration. During my first run, I fell down as I was not mentally prepared and I was distracted. Is your reaction towards my assistant coach to blame him? How about if he was your relative? Would this affect how you view this example of carelessness on the behalf of one person, resulting in the negative outcome of myself? The website states, emotions interfere with what we know is right, and in cases like this, we need to stick firmly to our reason to e nsure ‘justice’ is served. As humans, we need to be conscious of the effect of our actions because reason cannot lead us to making ethical decisions, it must be applied with emotion because that is what makes us human.Show MoreRelatedTraditional M Ä€ Ori s Environmental Ethic1473 Words  | 6 PagesTraditional MÄ ori did have an â€Å"environmental ethic†. Traditional MÄ ori are the people who were living in New Zealand before European settlement. Aldo Leopold describes environmental ethic as â€Å"actions of self-denial in order that other species may benefit†. Traditional MÄ ori are a good example of a society who did have environmental ethic. They were conscious of sustaining the environment because of their spiritual belief that they were related to the land and equal with nature . 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Throughout the course, we explored in depth of all the ways of knowing and areas of knowledge. This class made me think about the knowledge that I know in my lifeRead MoreMoral Wisdom Seems to Be as Little Connected to Knowledge of Ethical Theory as Playing Good Tennis Is to Knowledge of Physics (Emrys Westacott). to What Extent Should Our Actions Be Guided by Our Theories in Ethics and Elsewhere?1737 Words  | 7 Pagesseems to be as little connected to knowledge of ethical theory as playing good tennis is to knowledge of physics (Emrys Westacott). To what extent should our actions be guided by our theories in ethics and elsewhere? The question is with regards to whether moral reasoning is more accurate compared to the -theory-based knowledge of science. I think that ethical theory should be used for our moral conduct while the sciences should be used in other areas of knowledge instead. 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Write a short summary of a professional code of ethics, preferably one germane to your major or field (e.g., Code of Ethics of the National Society of Engineers; Code of Ethics of the American Medical Association; Code of Ethics for the Association of American Educators) The first part of the Association of Information Technology Professionals document, lists six major stockholders that IT professionals are obligated towards. These include: management, fellow members, society, employers, collegeRead MoreEthical Education Is Essential For A Functioning Society And Helps Students Realize Their Life Value1148 Words  | 5 Pagesthe challenges and experiences presented by new technologies .Both articles talk about the effectiveness of ethical education in the different areas. Universities can be trusted to provide effective ethical education in the future by professors role in demonstrating morality and using mess media correctly and it is a place of learning ethics in all areas. Professors have the responsibility to affect students and using technology correctly can help students to study good morality. â€Å" But doRead MoreThe Theory Of Moral Behavior1615 Words  | 7 Pagesthe knowledge we find. The definition of ‘neutral’ in the English dictionary is: ‘not supporting either side in a conflict, disagreement: impartial’1. It means being detached and impersonal to situations, questions or judgements. Mathematics, as an area of knowledge is said to be a subject that already exists in the natural world, only that we discover its marvellous phenomena rather than invent them. The discoveries may require neutrality in our thinking, but the proofs need prior knowledge, becauseRead MoreEmotions Come from Circumstances and Relationships Essay1060 Words  | 5 Pageslife. This in turn leads to the corresponding benefits such capability can bring. I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of emotion as a way of knowing, in rel ation to the areas of knowledge in the arts and ethics. Area of knowledge: The arts Emotion is an essential ingredient in the pursuit and validation of knowledge. â€Å" Art is everything, and everything is art†. Although this is quite an ambiguous statement, it is also my fundamental belief. Obviously, emotion has influenced this belief becauseRead MoreEthics : Morals And Ethics1626 Words  | 7 PagesGeneral Psychology September 19, 2015 Morals and Ethics What are morals and ethics? In reality these two words can mean many different things to many different people. Definitively, morals are â€Å"concerning or relating to what is right and wrong in human behavior†( This is where it becomes complicated, because establishing what is really right and wrong and getting rid of the grey areas in an imperfect world is impossible. Ethics are â€Å"rules of behavior based on ideas about what
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Happy Birthday in Latin and Roman Birthday Observances
Although we know Romans celebrated birthdays, we dont know if they wished one another the exact phrase Happy Birthday! But that doesnt mean we cant use the Latin language to wish someone a happy birthday. The following seems to be the best way to express happy birthday in Latin. Felix sit natalis dies! Using the accusative case, specifically the accusative of exclamation, felix sit natalis dies is one way to say happy birthday. Similarly, you could also say felicem diem natalem. Habeas felicitatem in die natus es! Habeas felicitatem in die natus es is another possibility. The phrase roughly translates to on happiness to love you. Natalis laetus! A third way to wish happy birthday is Natalis laetus mihi! if you want to say happy birthday to me. Or, Natalis laetus tibi! if you want to say happy birthday to you. Celebrating in Ancient Rome The ancient Romans observed different types of birthday celebrations or dies natales in Latin. Privately, Roman men and women marked their own birthdays and the births of family members and friends with gift-giving and banquets. Fathers gave presents to their children, brothers gave presents to sisters, and slaves gave presents to their masters children. One custom was to celebrate not on the specific date an individual was born but rather on the first of the month (calends) in which the individual was born, or the first of the next month. Gifts given on birthdays include jewelry; the poet Juvenal mentions parasols and amber as gifts, and Martial suggests togas and military clothing would be appropriate. Birthday feasts might have entertainment furnished by dancers and singers. Wine, flowers, incense, and cakes were part of such celebrations. The most important feature of Roman personal birthday celebrations was a sacrifice to the genius of the housefather and the juno of the housemother. The genius and juno were clan symbols, representing a persons patron saint or guardian angel, who guided the individual throughout life. Genii was a sort of middle power or intermediary between men and gods, and it was important that votive offerings be given to the genius each year in hopes that the protection would continue. Public Celebrations People also held similar celebrations for the birthdays of close friends and patrons. There is a wide variety of elegies, poems, and inscriptions commemorating such events. For example, in 238 CE, the grammarian Censorinus wrote De Die Natali as a birthday gift for his patron, Quintus Caerellius. In it he stated, But while other men honor only their own birthdays, yet I am bound every year by a double duty as regards this religious observance; for since it is from you and your friendship that I receive esteem, position, honor, and assistance, and in fact all the rewards of life, I consider it a sin if I celebrate your day, which brought you forth into this world for me, any less carefully than my own. For my own birthday gave me life, but yours has brought me the enjoyment and the rewards of life. Emperors, Cults, Temples, and Cities The word natali also refers to anniversary celebrations of the founding of temples, cities, and cults. Beginning with the Principate, Romans also celebrated the birthdays of past and present emperors, and members of the imperial family, as well as their ascension days, marked as natales imperii. People would also combine celebrations: a banquet could mark the dedication of an associations banqueting hall, commemorating an important occasion in the life of the association. The Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum includes an inscription from a woman who donated 200 sesterces so that a local association would hold a banquet on her sons birthday. Sources Argetsinger, Kathryn. Birthday Rituals: Friends and Patrons in Roman Poetry and Cult. Classical Antiquity 11.2 (1992): 175–93. Print.Ascough, Richard S. Forms of Commensality in Greco-Roman Associations. The Classical World 102.1 (2008): 33–45. Print.Bowerman, Helen C. The Birthday as a Commonplace of Roman Elegy. The Classical Journal 12.5 (1917): 310–18. Print.Lucas, Hans. Martials Kalendae Nataliciae. The Classical Quarterly 32.1 (1938): 5–6. Print.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Justin Bieber Free Essays
Never say Never was one of the most inspirational movies I’ve ever seen, and i don’t think I’ll ever see one that beats it. Every day i hear hateful comments on Justin, things like †He’s gay††He sounds like a girl††he’s so fake†And all this stuff, haters can go ahead and hate, but if you actually took a second too stop the hating, and listen too the words that come out of Justin’s mouth, listen too his songs, watch his movie, I promise you’d see him from a whole new perspective. I always thought Justin Bieber was just some hot Canadian that had a good voice, but he’s so much more. We will write a custom essay sample on Justin Bieber or any similar topic only for you Order Now He’s given up so much for his fans, it’s unbelievable. He’d rather sing his heart out at a concert then lay down when he’s sick, he puts the people he loves first, and that’s all that should matter. You cant judge someone by looks, by voice, by one word you hear. To judge someone, you need too get too know them, understand what they’ve been through, understand all they’ve given up for others, understand how amazing and loving they truly are. Sometimes I get so upset when people try too talk down on him, and insult him, but they’re only ruining themselves, sure maybe a few people think its funny, but that’s your opinion, and I bet if you really listened too yourself, you’d be ashamed at how much you put down a kid who’s given up tons just for his fans, a kid who lives for the people he loves, a kid who doesn’t care what the haters say. He’s worked for this his whole life, This is his career, this is his dream, this is his everything. Money doesn’t matter, fame doesn’t matter, and he doesn’t let it get too his head. I’ve never had an inspiration before.. and You know how Justin inspires Michael Jackson, Usher, and all the others? Well I’m proud too say he inspires me. I have 3 dreams in my lifetime that I know if I hope and pray enough, they can come true. My most important dream is for my dad too quit drinking and fight his cancer and live the rest of his life without having too worry. My second most important dream is for my mom too stop smoking, her mom died in her early 50’s from emphazima, and my mom is the most important person in my life, and too see her die when I’m only 13, kills me inside. And my last dream†¦ that I promise too never give up on is too meet Justin, too actually talk too him, keep in touch with him, learn more about how good of a person he is.. And I will never give up on any of my dreams until I reach them, or until there’s no chance anymore. I pray for those 3 dreams every night before I go too sleep, and whats ment too be, will be. What happens, happens and sometimes no one can change that. He started out as a normal kid living in Canada, doing all the things normal kids do. He had normal friends, a normal family, a normal life. He gave all that up for this life, for these fans, to do what he loves, too make people happy. People think he just puts on an act for attention†¦ for more fame, but what do you get from that? Nothing, if you be truthful too yourself and give it all you got, you can do anything and that’s exactly what Never Say Never is about. A normal kid who knew he could do anything he put his heart too, he’s one in a million, he has a gift, and no one, no one can take that away from him. He has the most amazing fans in the world, I’ve honestly never seen people so dedicated too a person, so loving towards a person, so caring about a person they’ve never even gotten the chance too talk too. We’ll always be there for him, through whatever, what he does with his life is up too him, and us belieber’s will be there with him every step of the way. Once a belieber, always a believer. How to cite Justin Bieber, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
The Importance of Branding Loyalty For The Products or Services
Question: Describe about The Importance Of Branding In Increasing Customer Loyalty For The Products Or Services. Answer: Introduction The research topic is the importance of branding in increasing customer loyalty for the products or services. The organizations operating across the globe are focusing a lot on their brand image and positioning their products to be perceived as brands. This research allows us to explore the importance of branding for increasing the brand image and in turn, the customer loyalty in the corresponding markets of operation (Rafiq, 2013). Problem statement Does branding in fact increases the customer loyalty for the products and services sold by an organization? Research aim and objectives The major objectives of the research are mentioned below. Define and analyze the term customer loyalty. Understand the purpose of branding in the marketing activities. Determine the effects of branding on the sales of the products and services. Establish and analyze the connection between branding in the marketing activities and the loyalty of the customers towards the products or services sold by an organization. The aim of the research is to identify and analyze the significance of branding in terms of the increase in the customer loyalty. The term customer loyalty can be defined as the preference of the customers in the market of the products or services of the organization over the similar products or services provided by other organizations in the market (Laroche, 2013). The customer loyalty of a brand can be defined in terms of the repeat purchase of the products or services sold by the organization (Sirapracha 2012). The objective of the research is to identify the needs and expectations of the customers in the market to indulge in the repeat purchase of a brand along with the preferences of the customers. The result of the research will provide an overall idea of the significance of branding and the methodology required for increasing the customer loyalty of the organization in the market of operation (Theng, 2013). Methodology This section provides an overall design of the methodologies and strategies to be used to carry out the research. Research paradigm (Mixed research paradigm) The research methodology to be used is a combination of both the qualitative and quantitative research processes. So the research methodology collects the qualitative and quantitative data from the subjects for the sales information from the market (Coelho, 2012). The qualitative and quantitative data collected in the research methodology provides different views of the market demand and the buying behavior of the customers present in the corresponding market (Tariq, 2013). This research methodology provides both the deductive and inductive scientific methods, which allows the known theories to be tested with the data collected from the market and new theories to be created from the data collected in the research process (Nguyen, 2013). Category of research (Exploratory research) This research methodology is exploratory which focuses on the gain of business insights from the market, instead of focusing on the collection of accurate data from the market. The result of this type of research allows the organization to develop its business strategy in terms of resolving the existing issues and providing solutions to improve the existing business processes (Kandampully, 2015). Data collection method (Secondary data from various agencies) The data collection method will focus on the collection of relevant data from the surveys and analysis done Australian Bureau of Statistics, American and European brand loyalty statistics and various journal articles (Zhang, 2014). Sources of data Some of the sources of data used in this research are social networking platforms, consumers of a number of brands, public agencies and stores across the market. The individuals from these sources can be surveyed along with the collection of structured data from various secondary data sources like public records and records from the private agencies (Akbari, 2016). References Akbari, M., Kazemi, R., Haddadi, M. (2016). Relationship marketing and word-of-mouth communications: Examining the mediating role of customer loyalty. Marketing and Branding Research, 3(1), 63. Coelho, P. S., Henseler, J. (2012). Creating customer loyalty through service customization. European Journal of Marketing, 46(3/4), 331-356. Kandampully, J., Zhang, T., Bilgihan, A. (2015). Customer loyalty: a review and future directions with a special focus on the hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(3), 379-414. Laroche, M., Habibi, M. R., Richard, M. O. (2013). To be or not to be in social media: How brand loyalty is affected by social media?. International Journal of Information Management, 33(1), 76-82. Nguyen, N., Leclerc, A., LeBlanc, G. (2013). The mediating role of customer trust on customer loyalty. Journal of service science and management, 6(1), 96. Rafiq, M., Fulford, H., Lu, X. (2013). Building customer loyalty in online retailing: The role of relationship quality. Journal of Marketing Management, 29(3-4), 494-517. Sirapracha, J., Tocquer, G. (2012). Branding and customer experience in the wireless telecommunication industry. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 3(2), 103.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
7 In-Demand Skills You Can Learn Quickly That Will Boost Your Job Prospects
7 In-Demand Skills You Can Learn Quickly That Will Boost Your Job Prospects Skill acquisition is super important to advancing your career. But you’re busy- or you live in a remote location- or you just feel daunted by how long it takes to gain proficiency, let alone mastery, of any given skill. Never fear! There are a ton of in-demand and highly marketable skills you can learn quickly. Here are some of the best.1. Web Design/DevelopmentEver notice just how many job postings ask for some variant on this? Or call it a bonus or a plus? There are tons of online sites and programs that can help you learn how to do all of this and more, in your spare time. And this skill will help make you look really good to a wide range of companies needing help launching, updating, or redesigning their sites.2. Data Analysis/StatsEven if you were terrible at math in school, it’s time to give it another try. Big data is the next frontier. Try sites like Khan Academy to get free instruction in how to harness, organize, and analyze mega data sets and put that skill s mack on your resume. Learn something like Mini-tab, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) or E-view to really set yourself apart.3. Cloud ComputingIt’s okay if you don’t even know what that is now. You can learn! Heard these buzz words? Virtualization, software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS)? You too could become an expert in them. Try for a free introductory course to cloud computing. Then you can put Customer Management Software (CRM) expertise on your resume and be that much more marketable.4. Excel and PowerPointThese more complicated programs of the Office suite- and usually the ones you ignore? Never underestimate the power of expertise in either of these programs. Take an online class in either- or both- and revel in how far you can get being a super genius at these programs.5. Public SpeakingThe skills you build while beefing up your public speaking expertise are multipurpose and can bring about a huge confidence boost. Wh en in doubt, improve your communication skills- both written and oral. But public speaking can make you that much more effective when speaking, interviewing, asking for a raise†¦ There are platforms like Udemy and Skillshare available through Toastmasters International or Dale Carnegie Training. You can even sign up for Skillshare through and get your first month free.6. CodingAugment your new web development/design skills with some coding knowledge. These technical skills are all the rage right now, can help whether you’re going into marketing or management, and can really set you apart in the hiring pool. Start with HTML and CSS and then see if you can pick up some skill with JavaScript. Try the Web Development Bootcamp for a nine-week course.7. BloggingNot just for teenage girls! Every company needs a blog these days, and having the talent to generate interesting, well-written content, plus the knowledge of SEO and some of the more technical aspects can re ally set you apart from the crowd. When in doubt, be a blogging maven!
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The Rumor of Rapists Luring Victims With a Crying Child
The Rumor of Rapists Luring Victims With a Crying Child Several viral messages that have been circulating, through email and social media since 2005, claim that gang members in various parts of the world have begun using crying children. This claim surrounds the idea that they are pretending to be lost or in distress to lure female victims to secluded places to be assaulted. Police have repeatedly stated that there is no evidence that such tactics are being used by rapists. This viral text and email rumor is considered false and includes several examples over the years, with versions from 2005, 2011, and 2014. See these versions below, review the analysis of the rumor, and learn how viral rape warnings can be misleading. The 2014 Example As Shared on Facebook ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES:If you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! Take him straight to the police station for this is the new gang way of Kidnap and rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families and friends.Repost this please! The 2011 Example As Received Through Email FW: Fox News Alert - Please Read!FROM CNN FOX NEWSThis is from the County Sheriff Department please read this message very carefully.This message is for any lady who goes to work, college or school or even driving or walking the streets alone.-If you find a young person crying on the road showing you their address and is asking you to take them to that address... take that child to the POLICE STATION!! No matter what you do, DONT go to that address. This is a new way for gang members to rape women. Please forward this message to all ladies guys so that they can inform their sisters friends. Please dont feel shy to forward this message. Our 1 message may save a life. Published by CNN FOX NEWS (Please circulate)..**Please DO NOT IGNORE! The 2005 Example As Delivered by Email Subject: New Rape Case TacticHi everyone, I am not sure when did this happen, but it is best to be careful and safety comes first.She was just discharged from the hospital...Today after office hours, I heard from my sister-in-law that there is a new way to rape women It happened to one of our good friends The girl left the office after working hours and saw a little child crying on the road Feeling pity for the child, she went and ask what happened The child said, I am lost. Can you take me home please? Then the child gave her a slip and tell the girl where the address is. And the girl, being an average kind person, didnt suspect anything and took the child there.And there when it arrived the childs home, she pressed the door bell, yet she was shocked as it the bell was wired with high voltage, and fainted. The next day when she woke up, she found herself in an empty house up in the hills, naked.She has never even get to see the face of the attacker... Thats why nowadays crimes are t argeted on kind peopleNext time if the same situation occurs, never bring the child to the intended place. If the child insist, then bring the child to the police station. Lost child are best to send to police stations.Please send this to all your female friends.(my extra note: guys, please tell your mom, your sister, your wife and your girlfriends too!) Analysis of the Viral Message Rumors Even though recent variants of this rumor have been shared under the guise of police warnings or sheriffs department warnings, no reports have been found. This includes documented cases in which rapists actually used, or even attempted to use, crying children as bait to lure female victims. Law enforcement officials have repeatedly denounced these warnings as hoaxes. The earliest version of the hoax was forwarded in 2005 by a reporter in Singapore who had already identified it as an urban legend. Within a month it had made its way to South Africa, and by May 2005 more copies began to circulate from readers in the United States. As of 2013, eight years later, law enforcement agencies were still fielding inquiries about it from El Paso to Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Viral Rape Warnings Can Be Misleading and Dangerous People sometimes defend viral warnings like these by arguing that, even if false in their particulars, they remind women to keep their wits about them and be careful and that it cant hurt. What weakens that argument is that the false warnings are, in fact, specific. To the degree that potential victims are persuaded to focus their attention on a crying child as a sign that an attacker may be nearby, the more likely it is that theyll be inattentive to other cues, such as real cues, that theyre in danger.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Iranian Architecture and Culture Research Paper
Iranian Architecture and Culture - Research Paper Example The other aspect of the Iranian architecture is the Islamic Impact on the Iranian architecture. I will analyze the connection between the Islamic Impact on the architecture of Iran and the purpose of ancient techniques utilized in the Iranian architecture. Iran is blessed with the natural resources and thus the architecture remains dependent on the natural resources. Moreover, the architects maintained to utilize the local resources in the construction. The geography of Iran is much diverse. According to Ayatollahi (2003) â€Å"Because of its geographic diversity, Iranian Plateau has always been, and still is, regarded as the land of many riches†. Besides the presence of natural resources, the Iranian architects always welcomed innovation. As Iran has a typical weather condition. In winters the temperature lowers to the freezing point and in summer the temperature rises to make it hot region. Climate has major impact on the architecture and Iranian architecture developed techn iques to produce cold water in summer by storing the natural ice in the winter season. The method is pit storage of ice. The major reason for storing the ice is to preserve fruits, vegetables and utilization of water for the drinking purposes. According to Mahdavinejad and Javanrudi (2012) â€Å"Ancient fridges are a pit with a sophisticated method to store ice in hot-arid climates. Ice prepared in winter season and reserves until hot seasons to keep meat, fruits and dairies, and also used as a method to making water cold and tasty†. The pits are of rectangular shaped, which are designed to store ice. According to Mahdavinejad and Javanrudi (2012), â€Å"The architecture of Iranian ancient fridges is analyzed with respect to the following factors: The architectural background of fridges in each hot-arid regions, Construction methods and materials, and Formation of the plans and sections†. The walls of the fridges are not uniformly constructed. The width of the walls va ries as the height of the walls varies. On the other hand due to the Islamic Impact in the regions, the major change on the architecture is the utilization of the towers, which are also known as ‘minarets’. Minarets are usually long slender towers, which are usually built near mosques. The major aim of a minaret is to define the ways towards the mosque. However, the minarets are equipped with some light source to show the way to the mosques at night. The minarets are not only built near mosques but also near schools, road sides and also near other places. According to Iran Chamber Society (2012), â€Å"The tall structures built on roadsides or near caravansaries, schools, or other gathering places were originally watch-towers that also provided lighting for the surrounding areas†. In olden days, minarets provide a top position for the prayer caller to call the people for the prayers. Minaret has three basic parts Base or foundation, shaft and gallery (Iran Chambe r Society n.p). The other important aspect of the Iranian architecture is the utilization of the dooms in the architecture. Dooms also show Islamic influence on the Iranian architecture. Dooms have a significant value in the Islamic architecture due to the sound effects, produced by dooms. The payer call and the verses read during the prayers, echo several times due to dooms. Due to the echo, the loudness of the sound and range of the sound
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
A Tricky Problem of Stagflation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A Tricky Problem of Stagflation - Assignment Example It was pathbreaking in several ways, in particular, because it introduced the notion of aggregate demand as the sum of consumption, investment, and government spending; and because it showed (or purported to show) that full employment could be maintained only with the help of government spending (Library of Economics and Liberty 2008.) By 1965, there was a backlash against Keynesian economic thought. â€Å"In 1965 Scott Gordon declared that, in Canada, throughout the 1940’s and 1950’s ‘Keynesian statements were confined to the abstract planes of discourse; they were not connected with actual policy’†(Neill 180). However, Gordon did not take into account that Keynesian economics assumed a closed, and mature economic system, and the Canadian economic climate at the time was open and small (Neill 173) Gordon was not alone, however, many economists shared his views, and this was the downturn of the popularity of Keynesian economics. NAFTA, or the North American Free Trade Agreement, opened up trade between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Because of NAFTA, there are no longer any tariffs or trade restrictions between these countries. There is no question that the United States is economically the strongest of these nations, however, there are benefits to all of the countries involved. â€Å"Both Mexico and Canada see NAFTA as a way of securing access to the U.S. market and the trade benefits cannot be of the greatest significance for the United States, the United States looks at Canada and Mexico in terms of industrial and commercial location as much as trade†(Hoebing, Weintraub, and Baer 108). Those who oppose NAFTA argue that NAFTA should have environmental standards and minimum wages. This is because of the shift of work moving to Mexico from the United States, there are less environmental regulations in Mexico, and workers can be paid less than they can in the United States. The quiet revolution took place in the 1960’s in a spirit of Quebec nationalism.  Â
Monday, January 27, 2020
Summitry Analysis and Diplomacy
Summitry Analysis and Diplomacy This essay represents the perfect and imperfect world of summitry and it also discusses on how summitry can be integrated as a constructive mode of diplomacy. Summitry has indeed changed the landscape of political interactions between states and political leaders across the globe over the past years. In respect to this, Churchill questioned the crowd during one of the House of Commons meeting in 1953, if there is not at the summit of the nations the wish to win the greatest prize of peace, where can men look for hope? (Churchill cited in Eban, 1983, p. 360). The idea behind Churchills statement is that, it explains on how summitry can be an instrument in getting states actors to gather at one place to discuss on international political issues among them (Dunn, 1996, p. 4). Ideally, summits not only have been used as a tool to break down intense barriers between nation states leaders, but it has also helped state leaders to be more focused in addressing issues of their concerns in the best possible way. Although, in the real world of summitry, this is not always the case. As Plischke argues in Modern Diplomacy: It should not be regarded as an instant elixir for the assuagement of crisesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦to dissimulate relief from the realities of inter-governmental ailment (1979, p. 186). To begin with, this essay will discuss both on some of the possible strengths and flaws of the different types summits. It also argues on how summitry can be infused as a tool of a constructive means of diplomacy and it will also unearth some factors that could help determine the success of summits. The first part of this essay discusses on how summitry could be a tool in the engagement of public diplomacy and followed by with an insight on how timing is crucial in initiating a summit. Meanwhile, the second part of this essay details on how summitry could provide an opportunity for state leaders to administrate and show their capabilities in winning a summit. The perfect and imperfect world of Summitry Summits are designed in such a way where each and every one of them has various themes and different objectives to be fulfilled. One must be able to segregate the different types of summits and its goals in order to further the understanding on the roles of summits. For instance, bilateral, multilateral, regional and global summits. Now, this boils down to one question, how effective are these summitries in resolving the targeted issues? The answer to this is rather subjective. Since each summit has its different purpose, the measure of success would vary as well and therefore it is difficult to layout the positive and negative aspects of summitry in general (Melissen, 2003, p. 4). For instance, the Yalta summit in 1945 and the Paris Conference of Parties 21 (COP 21) in 2015 are seventy years apart and may have little significant in common. Hence, generalising summits into one big picture would be very difficult. Looking at the different types of summits, the Rio Earth Summit or also known as United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) was one of the largest intergovernmental global climate conference ever organised. It was represented by over one hundred and eighty countries and participated by over one hundred states and government leaders across the globes. It was indeed a media magnet event that catches the attention of the news and broadcasters from all over the world (Dunn, 1996, p. 220). This calls for an engagement in public diplomacy for state and government leaders. The purpose of the summit was to synthesise the global economic landscape or development towards a more forward looking context which takes into account on the preservation of the environment (The Editors of Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 1998). Dunn also mentioned in Diplomacy at the Highest Level: It was hoped that this serve as a blueprint for how the nations of the world could preserve the environment and achieve sustainable development in the twenty-first century (1996, p. 222). In relation to this, the Rio Earth Summit were seen to be a quite symbolic kind of summitry (Dunn, 1996, p. 249). This is due to the nature of the summit in which it possesses a propaganda value to it that could be either used for good purpose or just for the sake of winning the hearts of the domestic and general audiences through their participation. Not only it was the largest and the most costly climate change summit that was ever held, but it was also attended by hundreds of state leaders from all over the world. Hence, the opportunity to engage in public diplomacy was pretty massive (Palmer, 1992). To put it briefly, attending such an eventful summit was worth every moment of being noticed by the public considering the number of media coverage during that time was enormous. According to Dunn, attending the summit was very much an attestation to these state leaders in showing their relentless commitments towards the preservation of the environment regardless if they did not agree upon the discussed agendas during the meeting. They want to be perceived as a leader who cares about just everything and they wish to give an impression to the general public that they are trying to make some changes (1996, p. 249). This approach is often used as a form of public diplomacy and indeed, it can be considered as a constructive mode of diplomacy. For example, Bush used the opportunity to be seen as a good leader by attending the summit despite of the series of situations that was going on in the US during that time. His hands were tight with different kinds of issues including his upcoming re-election. Hence, to be seen under the limelight were one of the many ways for him to attain more credits from the domestic audiences (Dunn, 1996, p. 233). As stated by Hamilton and Langhorne in The Practice of Diplomacy, air travel and television cameras have made world statesmen of the humblest party hacks (1995, p. 221). Having said that, summit has not only been beneficial for s tate leaders but also for the politicians in hope to enhance their status in the public from meeting all these world leaders. In respect to this, symbolic summits are not just limited to this kind of agenda, but it could also exemplify the relations between nations through summits. To support this statement, as documented by Dunn in Diplomacy at the Highest Level: The handshake on the White House lawn between Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin in 1993 was equally important as an attempt to symbolize the new era of relations between Israel and the Palestinian people (1996, p. 248). On the other side of this coin, level of preparation process in terms of timing also matters in ensuring the success of a summit. Regardless of its positive strand in the engagement of public diplomacy, Rio Earth Summit was barely a mere success. For instance, Rio Earth Summit was not a perfect timing for countries like the US. Considering that US was perceived to be the paramount actor in this conference, but in the actual fact, the US delegations were really keeping their heads down throughout the meetings (Dunn, 1996, p. 233). How does timing has got anything to do with this? In the case of the US, the countrys economy was going through a recession and as mentioned earlier, President Bush was also due for his nearing re-election. One of his main concerns were also the risk of committing into any agreement on the sustainable developmental programmes that was discussed during the summit. The potential results from agreeing to any agreements from the summit were rather ambiguous as i t could jeopardise the USs employment level even further and also, his fear for losing the trust and his wealthy conservative supporters from both the political parties the US (Dunn, 1996, p. 233). Hence, this explains for the quiet actions from the US delegation at Rio Earth Summit. Therefore, the summit could have been more favourable if the US did not have to hold back due to their situations back home. In addition to this, US was not the only one who were torn in leading the conference, the EC (European Community) could have also done a greater job at it but of all the EC state members, only Germany was set on making an equitably significant amount of commitment towards the agreement. The rest of the other EC state members like Italy and France were on the same boat as the US due to their respective issues in their home countries (Dunn 1996, p. 233). As articulated by Weihmiller, Doder and Newsom in U.S.- Soviet Summits, that, timing of a summit has been seen as one of the criti cal factors in ensuring the success of a summit (1986, p. 98). In retrospect, the issue on timing were noticeably reflected during the Kennedy Khrushchev summit in 1961 at Vienna which severely affected the resolution to the root of the problem. It was too soon to be holding another summit as the Paris summit of the year before that were not settled yet and to top it all, the issues with Berlin previously has lead this summit to a total flop (Weihmiller et al., 1986, p. 99). In this context, when summit is initiated at a wrong time, it could lead to a waste of resources and also, affecting diplomatic relations between state leaders as the subject discussed during the conference remains unresolved. Therefore, it remains debateable to as whether or not if summitry can be an elixir or regarded as an effective mode of diplomacy. On a brighter side, summits could also provide room for state actors or non-state actors to show their capabilities in leading a summit especially on international level that could not be consummated on a lower level (Dunn, 1996, p. 251). This has been seen on some climate change conferences such as the recent Paris Agreement (COP 21), Kyoto Protocol (COP 3) or even Copenhagen Agreement (COP 15) in 2009. The European Union (EU) in particular. The EU has tremendously manifested the world with their pro-climate change leadership. What they are doing is an incontestably positive in attracting other state members to follow their footsteps. As Maljean-Dubois and Wemaera states in their journal, Carbon Climate Law Review, EU has always claimed a climate leadership role in the climate negotiations, leading by example with its ambitious climate policy (2016, p. 3). That said, summitry is not only impactful in terms of public diplomacy, but it is also a constructive method in improving diplo matic relations through positive movements by a bold leader such as the EU. Although to be fair, the United States were one of the first and the most powerful supporters of international climate change and environmental agreements. However, the limelight has shifted to the EU as the major leader in global environmental scene (Kelemen and Vogel, 2009). In light of this, summitry can also give a fair opportunity for leaders from small nations to represent themselves on the highest league table and hence, making them more noticeable in the global diplomatic arena. This was proven when the Small Island Developing states (SIDS) and the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) managed to turn the table at the COP 15 at Copenhagen in 2009 (de à gueda Corneloup and Mol, 2013). Climate change is a threat for small island nations especially those of which nations which are prone to extreme weather conditions. As stated by de à gueda Corneloup and Mol in International Environmental Agreemen ts, The raise of sea temperature threatens marine ecosystems, on which small island populations usually strongly depend (2013, p. 282). The SIDS were able to negotiate through the representative organisation, AOSIS and be heard by the rest of the other state members at COP 15. Being in a vulnerable position themselves, this has helped them to initiate action plans through several leadership skills and remained as significant as other state members at the summit. Their perseverance has lead them to some fairly successful negotiations especially on the 1.5 ÃÅ'Ã… C target as it was finally embedded in the Copenhagen Accord (de à gueda Corneloup and Mol, 2013). However, summits on climate change are often being seen as highly sensitive area and often associated to the level of power that the state actors have. For instance, considering SIDS state members are seen to be on a weaker side as they have very little power on the international level, structural power of state actors is oft en regarded as a determining factor in any international negotiations (de à gueda Corneloup and Mol, 2013). As disclosed by Ambassador Dessima Williams of Grenada at the COP 15 summit: We went in, AOSIS fought for everything we could come out withà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦as you could see we didnt come out with much (Wasuka cited in de à gueda Corneloup and Mol, 2013, p. 291). To put it briefly, no matter how much effort has been pumped into these summits by these weaker states, level of structural power of state actors is still one of the major determinant in negotiation process on any international summits. Summit: yes or no? What can be concluded based on the arguments above is that, despite of its contestations on the effectiveness and its constructive role in diplomacy, summitry has become an indispensable means of convention both on regional and international level. As Dunn argues in Diplomacy at the highest level: Summitry has evolved considerably in the post-war period. From being an exceptional and therefore high-profile event, summitry has developed to become a frequent and routine instrument of international diplomacy (Dunn, 1996, p. 265). However, one cannot deny that summitry has its substantive risks particularly on how the timing matters in initiating a summit especially involving states from all across the globe. The aim of a summit is not to only discuss on the subject of interests, but also to produce a fair outcome by the end of the meetings. Or else, the effort of organising a summit will be in vain if nothing comes out of it. Hence, it is crucial to take into account timing as one of the important factors during the preparation period. Although to be fair, factors like economic recessions and political instability of other state members are something that is rather inevitable. In this respect, the power position of ones state has also been a major determinant in ensuring the success of reaching the summits objectives. On a lighter note, summitry has been proven to be an effective mechanism for some weaker states to be prominent in the global arena despite for its limited structural power. In addition to this, summitry also has a unique nature that it could be use as tool in promoting public diplomacy especially in a global scale summit. This has been utilised as a best practice by state leaders and diplomats in pursuit of grabbing the attention of the public eye including the media. Especially in an era of free flow of information, state leaders and diplomats find summits to be quite amusing as public opinions matters in todays world of politics. Regardless of the outcome of the summit, these leaders do not walk out of the conference with empty handed. Some walk out of the summit with pride and several accomplishments, but in many instances, most of them walk out with just one thing, a free publicity to themselves. Which how I would like to put it as, free-riding at its best.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Global Culture Essay
As time progresses, the world, in terms of business is rather contracting. There is growing communication, interaction and exchange between different parts of the world. Technologies that were once thought of as a far sighted notion are now being using like household commodities and communication mediums that were once considered luxuries available to few are now a necessities needed to prosper. The world is becoming more integrated by the day and countries are becoming more and more dependent on one another in terms of trade and business. This paper focus on how the culture and environment that a business operates in affects the organization. It will outline some constraints and will generally give a picture of how to cope with changing cultures as in today’s expanding work environments it is vital to understand the attitudes, values, perceptions of the regions. Also, the role of media and politics would be discussed. Discussion: It is now a well known and widespread phenomenon that the world is a ‘global village’. This means that globalization has taken its toll and the entire world is somewhat a unified society or community that needs to interact in order to get on. But what exactly is Globalization? Globalization is basically the term used to describe the integration of economic, political and . it refers to the greater freedom of movements of goods, capital and people around the world. this shrinking of the world is having a major impact on business activity especially from multi-nationals which are the business organizations that have their headquarters in one country but operating branches, factories and assembly plants in others. In recent years there have been moves to reduce the number and level of trade restrictions that limited the trade between countries. The free trade movement and the aid of information technology are reducing the differences that once existed between national markets, reducing the importance of national borders and making it easier for firms to trade with and locate in many countries. This is forcing firms, which were once protected by national governments to become internationally competitive (Stimpson, 2002). Globalization integrates people, companies and governments and effects the environment, culture and political systems as well as economic development and human physical well-being in societies all around the world. The focus here, however, is on how the culture of a society or region shapes the operations of multi-nations and globalization as a whole. Culture, most simply described, is the behaviors, beliefs, values, underlying assumptions and perceptions shared by a group of people with respect to their environment and societies. Many characteristics of human life are transmitted genetically, they are innate and are naturally present and then there are other qualities that are learned. Culture is the name for the body of learned behaviors common to a society that form as a template for shaping behavior, manners and conduct from generation to generation. Culture exists in businesses as well, it is the attitudes and behaviors that employees of an organization embrace as an affect of their working environment. Working culture of an organization has a great impact over how workers feel, behave and work. Hence, national culture similar to corporate culture is the values and attitudes shared by individuals from a specific country that shape their behavior and their beliefs about what is important. Culture has the characteristic of being learned as well as taught. Culture is something that evolves and is in a constant state of change. The basic indicators and manipulators of culture are the values, customs and beliefs that rest in the society. These factors carry on for generations and are manifested in individuals as they live according to the routine of their environment. Culture has a direct and deep association with these features as these values and customs are what combine together and form the basis of culture. Ethnocentricity is a dilemma faced by many societies when dealing with different regions and areas. Ethnocentrisms are the conviction that one has that his or her culture or ethnicity is most superior. Ethnocentricity is the belief that some people have which makes them consider other cultures with respect to their own and manifests a superiority which is indicated through their behavior and attitudes towards other cultures. It is noted that cultural ethnocentrism is becoming prominent and is one of the stronger motivators of people pulling away from other economies. Ethnocentricity has rather negative impacts on multi national companies, as it causes consumers to distrust the international brands which adversely affect the consumer purchasing behavior. Cultural openness and demographic variables are factors that affect the ethnocentrism that persists in a society. Companies can remove these barriers through promoting awareness of their brand as well as educating and informing people about internationalization of businesses. Maintaining a positive approach is a key to attracting ethnocentric societies. Also, by targeting markets considering their age, gender and their cultural background shows apathy and reduces ethnocentric behaviors. For a firm to operate internationally, it needs strategies that would help it create a market outside the home country. In order to create an awareness or better described as a competitive advantage, businesses need effective global strategies. Global strategies can take the form of reducing costs and increasing efficiency, taking risks, or creating brand identification and reputation. Whichever the strategy chosen, it is very important to understand the local cultures and environment before entering a market. Strategies can be of numerous forms but branding is considered as most efficient when it comes to entering a completely new market. Brand strategy focuses on influencing the perceptions of people in a way that they persuaded to act in a certain manner. In today’s highly competitive and expanding business markets, it is necessary to create a positive and lasting impression on the consumers through branding. When entering a new market, a company needs to analyze the culture of the region and adapt to it in a manner that it does not seem awkward or unnatural to the consumers. A global brand needs to pertain a relevant meaning and significance to people across multiple societies, the strategy needs to be diverse and devised in a fashion that blends well with the people, their experience and the society. Different societies have different mind frames, values and in simple words, a different culture as a whole. For example, animals such as a horse is recognized all over the world but it is perceived differently, in some societies it may be considered as a mode of transport, in some, a gambling opportunity while in some, it symbolizes independence. These differences must be acknowledged when formulating strategies. Cultural conventions determine how people in a society interact with each other, what their beliefs are, and what meanings do they attach to their representations. Cultures develop through experience and learning, they are not static (Baker, 2001). Strategies must be aware and on a look out of these cultural shifts that may create a booming opportunity to replace something that is losing its value. Therefore, Companies can follow their regular patterns of strategy formulation which integrates its overall objectives with its marketing and financial counterparts but when looking for a new market in a new region, the first consideration must be the analysis of the local market trends, customs, traditions and adopt these within the strategy. In general, a company must be aware of the societal beliefs and stand points of the cultural areas that it is catering to. No aspect of the product, branding or the company policies must collide with the cultures. Every culture is dissimilar to another and so are its values and characteristics. The concepts and perceptions towards the routine items such as leisure, work, family structures and religion are separate in every society or culture and may be at different priority levels. A culture that is based to moral values of responsibilities and independence may have more influence on working and exerting. While a culture that does not ingrain a sense of self-sufficiency may promote a lifestyle of leisure and relaxation. Family structures also differ, so do religious beliefs. These two factors are most important when framing a culture as they define the mode of life and the code of conduct of people that follow it. Therefore, different religions may impose different conditions and these conditions, with the passage of time, become a part of the society and culture. Communication is generally the sharing of information between two or more individuals or groups to reach a common understanding (Jones & George, 2007). Good communication is necessary for an organization to gain a competitive advantage. Good communication, within an organization, is vital for managers to learn about new technologies, implement them in their organization and train workers in how to use them. Culture plays a central role in the communication process. Perception, which is the process through which people select, organize, and interpret sensory input to give meaning and order to the world around them, affects the meaning of the message. Perceptual biases can hamper a company and its communication just like ethnocentricity. Perceptual biases pertaining in a culture can use information about the company in a way that could create inaccurate perceptions and thus have a negative effect. Communication is basic way through which a business can promote itself and its product across borders and so it is very important that this be done in the most efficient manner without causing and negative impact upon the consumers. Thorough analysis of culture is essential in order to for communication to be well understood in the way intended. For example, the details written on a product may have to be translated into the local language. Also, non-verbal messages such as images may have a different meaning from culture to culture and if not properly surveyed may end up displaying the wrong meaning and impression.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Comparative Commentary on Global Warming Essay
â€Å"Taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions†(â€Å"Text A†), an international newspaper advertisement from Exxon Mobil and â€Å"An Agenda for Climate Action†(Text B†), a speech by Eileen Claussen, the President of Pew Center on Global Climate Change were both written in 2006 with the focus on global warming. The author in both commentaries strives to bring out the message that as human beings, we must take action to stop the worsening of climate change. Text A is a published article by a company that emphasizes that everyone in the world should be able to take part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and that illustrates the range of actions, in particular technological advances the company has taken to address the problem. As for Text B, it is a speech delivered to university students that identifies the ultimate cause of the problems of climatic change the world is facing now. Even though the message of the two texts is the same, the way th ey convey it differs, in terms of the structure and content, language usage, purpose, and narrative perspective. The structure and content of the two texts are very similar even though there are some obvious differences. First, the introduction of the two texts is very similar in terms of the message their text strives to bring out. Text A starts with â€Å"We’d like to use this space to share our thoughts on actions to address the risk of climate change†while Text B is slightly different as it opens with a courteous introduction first but what follows is this, â€Å"I am here today to talk about what climate change solutions might entail†. This clearly shows that even though the two introductions i.e. the words used and the focus area are not the exact same, but without doubts, they are intended for the same purpose, to persuade people to take action. As for the sentencing and paragraph style, both are written in small paragraphs with long sentences, each having a specific point to make. In Text A, the 4th paragraph is about the need to develop new approaches that are suitable for consumers and to improve the present economic situation and current living standard. The 7th paragraph is about the company improving energy efficiency and having reduced a lot of emission. In Text B, the 3rd paragraph states the major cause for climate change, which is environmentally unfriendly actions done by humans. In the 5th paragraph, it talks about how the rate of mountain glaciers melting is increasing rapidly. These examples show that each paragraph from the two texts has a specific point to make and is clearly structured. Differences can also be found due to the different nature of the texts, Text A being an international newspaper advertisement that promotes their company, Exxon Mobil while Text B is a speech by Eileen Clausen in the Yale University with the aim to raise awareness of global warming to ring the bell that everyone must come together and take a â€Å"comprehensive approach†. First, they use different ways to inform their audiences.†¯ Text A is presented with descriptions and actual statistics of the actions the company have been taking so as to promote their company while Text B is a speech that strives to deliver the message to the audience that climate change is a serious problem, so uses more examples and easy-to-understand facts and information such as how the natural phenomenon that are occurring now is just â€Å"the tip of an iceberg†. Second, the way they start differ. For instance, Text B starts with a sentence in the very beginning that Text A does not, which is â€Å"Thank you very much. †¯It is grate to be here at Yale University†. This is because Text B is a speech so it must show some kind of gratitude for being able to give out a speech. In contrary, Text A is only an advertisement, which does not need to show gratitude that way, however, it has more to do with tone. The tone of†¯Text A is very formal and serious but not demanding because they are trying to promote their company. Although the tone in Text B has a certain level of seriousness, it is more towards the friendly-conversation kind of feeling. It is presented like how close the audience and Eileen Clausen are, this is so that the audience would be more interested and take account of the global issues more. The data of the two texts are not the same. Text A talks about solutions to reduce green house gas emissions, â€Å"Working with vehicle manufacturers and engine makers on programmers that could improve fuel economy by as much as 30% while significantly reducing emissions†and â€Å"improving energy efficiency at our facilities Steps taken since 1999 resulted in CO2 emissions saving of 11 million tones in 2005†¦Ã¢â‚¬ In Text B†, it talks about the risks that human activities have brought upon climate change. For instance,†what they showed is that the second largest land-based ice sheet in the world is losing ice twice as fast†and â€Å"we know that hurricanes are becoming more intense, not just in the Atlantic which gave us Katrina and Rita†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The information used in each of the texts to convey its message is different. Since Text A is an advertisement for its own company, it would be very uncommon for it not to pressure its audience into buying its products. Exxon Mobile does this by firing all the actions it has taken to tackle the problem of climatic change, creating the impression that using or buying their products is one of the ways to save the planet. However, since Text B is only a speech with no special interest, it only needs to address the seriousness of the situation without pressuring the audience that â€Å"these, if I may say this, are just the tip of the melting iceberg†, implying that what was said is not all that there is to it, there are many more risks out there. With and without the pressure, it shows how different the texts are and their impacts on the audience. As between the two texts, one focuses on solutions while another one on risks. Text A focuses on the solutions the company has come up with while Text B talks about the risks caused by human activities. In addition to that, Text A focuses on economics solutions while Text B focuses on geographic problems. For instance, in â€Å"Text A†, phrases such as â€Å"allow continued economic growth and improvements in living standard. Technological advances will be critical†highlight the economic aspects and developing technology to improve living stand requires money, so it is indirectly asking its customers to use or buy the company’s products. In Text B, the risks talked about are all related to the changes geographically not economic risks, such as â€Å"loss of mountain glaciers†, â€Å"but in all oceans where hurricanes occur†and â€Å"One study found that 130 species-both plants and animals- have responded to earlier spring warming over the last 30 years.†In addition to that, Text A focuses on achievements while Text B on problem.†¯ In Text A, the sentence, â€Å"working with vehicle manufacturers and engine makers on programmes that could improve fuel economy by as much as 30% while significantly reducing emissions†shows an achievement because by working with other manufacturers and company, Exxon Mobile would be able to benefit the fuel economy as well as reduce emissions. In Text B, the sentence,†we also know that we are experiencing a worldwide loss of mountain glaciers, a trend that is accelerating. By mid-century, most mountain glaciers may be gone,†reveals a problem. Hence, the focus of each Text is different although they bring out the same message. Although both texts talks about reducing emissions, Text A, â€Å"Our scientists and engineers are working to reduce emissions today and in Text B, â€Å"We need to move from an economy based on burning of fossil fuels to one based on energy efficiency.†Text A is more prone to the side of benefiting their consumers â€Å" and Text B is prone to talk about the cause of global warming â€Å"The impacts of climate change across the globe are occurring in patters that can only explained by human activities and not by natural variations in regional climate.†The ultimate message that the two texts have differs, Text A if to promote their company and to persuade customers to do something therefore buy their product. Text B is to persuade people that we must take action to prevent the worsening of climatic change. This is shown by the conclusions which it also includes the use of technical words, even though both texts use 1st person as narrative perspective to express their information, at first in Text A, the use of â€Å"we†was to represent the whole Exxon Mobil â€Å"We’d like to use this space to share our thoughts on actions†but it changed to a â€Å"we†, which meant the society and themselves â€Å"We all have a role to play.†Initially, in Text A, the use of â€Å"I†was to represent the speaker, the president of Pew Center on Global Climate Change â€Å"I am here today to talk about what climate change solutions might entail†but it literally changed to â€Å"We†, again it includes everyone â€Å"We need to act now to cone up with ways to limit emissions growth without.†The switch of the technical words emphasizes the message that wants to be sent across so they make everyone as a whole, make them think they are involved and would have consideration on whether to act or not. The people targeted by each commentary are different. For Text A, since it is a published advertisement of a company, a profit-making company, to be specific, the targeted audience undeniably would be its customers (the public) in the sense that buying their products would amount to saving the planet. In contrast, â€Å"Text B†has a narrower focus on university students â€Å"It is great to be here at Yale University†, people of high intellect and education, so explanation is not needed, therefore the message are more straightforwardly expressed. However, on a more in-depth analysis of the content of their commentary as discussed above, it may be that Text B is able to reach a wider audience than Text A. The reason is that the language used in Text B is easier to understand, contains more common, day-to-day language, for example â€Å"The earth is warming; the impacts-once only predictions- are now upon us and are likely to worsen,†whereas almost half of the Text A in fact involves technical language, for example â€Å"Exxon Mobil is the lead sponsor and study areas include solar, hydrogen, biofuels and advanced transportation,†which can be thought to be targeting at people such as professors, university students, climate change ambassadors, engineers, surveyors, etc. In conclusion, Text A and Text B have many similarities and differences between the content and language usage, for example the ultimate message, talking about risks or solutions, geographical problems or economy problems, technical language and tone etc. There are also many other differences and similarities that haven’t been mentioned such as the Text A inform in present continuous, Text B is repetitive and does not patronize, scope (broad or limited, modern or historical) etc. Lastly, the two texts clearly convey the same theme through the description of solutions and risks, to take action for climate change.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Liza Dellaratta. Ms. Crouse . Us Gov. . 2/28/17. Congress
Liza Dellaratta Ms. Crouse US Gov. 2/28/17 Congress Quarter 3 Writing Assignment Part 1: What is Congress? A bicameral legislature is a legislature in which there are two houses where each house has a specific jobs to attend to. There are many reasons as to why a bicameral legislature exist, some of them include; historical, practical, and theoretical. The historical reasons are given to us by British Parliament who insisted on having a two house government dating back to the 1300s. The practical reasons came about through the framers. They embarked upon this decision when settling a conflict between two states. And finally, the theoretical reason possible, and the most important reason it was put to action was to prevent the federal†¦show more content†¦The federal government puts tax on everything, this allows them to take a percentage of our money away from us and use it for the country. Right now the US in debt and can’t afford to run this country alone. They use our money for several things everyday. However, there are limits to what the can tax such as; they can no t tax Church services because it goes against our first ammendment right. For most americans they experience this power in action every time they get payed. Working people that are paid in a paycheck form have dealt with this first hand. Every Time they get their paycheck a percentage of their money is deducted for federal taxes. Majority of the time it is a decent chunk of money that is being taken away from them to help this country survive. This is probably the most often used example of this power. Part 3: What is Impeachment? Impeachment is the act of bringing charges to someone that challenges their integrity and or validity. People in high authority with the government can be impeached for bribery, treason, other high crimes, or even misdemeanors. The House is given the power to impeach a person but it requires a majority vote. Then the Senate has the right to try the person that the charges are being brought on but for this to happen they need a â…†vote. This process has happened only twice in American history; once with Andrew Jackson and once
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